Chapter 56

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Being a werewolf was already so different. I could feel my body being stronger, my senses were so heightened I was capable of hearing some bird miles and miles away, it was overwhelming.

Then there was the fact that I had just come back to life like a certain religious figure.

I still had so much to say to him when Harlan spoke "There's somewhere I want to take you."

I looked at him confused "Right now?" 

"Do you mind? We can go back to the packhouse if you want to" he offered, but I could sense this place he wanted to take me to, meant something to him.  And even though I was tired, still a little bit scared and in pain, I decided I could do this for him.

So I smiled and said, "No, let's go."

He took my hand excitedly as he made his way through the woods, smiling from ear to ear. I tried not to focus on the fact he wasn't wearing a shirt. Doing my best to ignore the way his back muscles flexed as he moved his arms. God, he was so hot.

I needed to calm myself down or I would jump him, so I decided to look at the scenery. Such pretty trees or whatever I don't know, how was his skin so golden?

We walked for a few minutes in comfortable silence, my bare feet padding on the soft grass and soon enough, there through those trees, there was a house.

It was a big house, but it wasn't as luxurious as the packhouse. This one was like a family home, a rustic family home made from wood and cobblestone. It was beautiful and it looked extremely cozy. It smelled of a fragrant type of wood and a lot like him.

"What is this place?" I said standing before the house.

"Remember when I disappeared for a while?" he nodded toward the house "Here's where I stayed" he let go of my hand as he opened the door, it was unlocked "I built this house when I was a teenager, built it as a place to be alone for a while."

I was too busy gawking at the house to immediately register what he just said... Did say he built the house? 

"You...built it?" I asked, extremely surprised. It was a truly beautiful house with an intricate design and delightful details. 

"Yeah, do you like it?" he said nonchalantly as if everyone could just up and build a house. 

I nodded and he added, "Would you like to come inside?" I nodded once again and we stepped into the house.

The lights were warm, complementing the wood of the house's inside walls. It was scarcely decorated. The living room only had a few chairs and a leather sofa reminiscent of the one he had in his room. From what I could see, the layout of the house was elegant. The living room connected to the kitchen with an archway, and the stairs to the second floor were next to the main entrance. There was a room to the left of the door which I assumed was a bathroom. 

I walked over to the stone fireplace and gawked "Did you really build this all by yourself?" I still couldn't believe it, it had a freaking thermostat and electricity. This was absolutely insane.

He smiled "Yeah, I did" he seemed to think my reaction was cute, but this was amazing. "Wait 'till you see the upstairs.

He started walking up and I followed him, doubting anything could be more amazing than that fireplace - it was big, truly a statement piece. But as soon as I saw the main room I was flabbergasted.

The stairs led to three doors, two in the front of the house and one in the back. He led me through the one in the back and as it opened I think I audibly gasped. The room was elongated, it was big and the wood chandelier above the bed gave it a cozy look. There was a gigantic window and two entrances, one to what seemed like a balcony with a glass railing, giving the house that modern touch. And the other to an empty walk-in closet that connected to a bathroom with a big bathtub and a cobblestone wall.

The room, again, was mostly bare. The majestic four-poster bed and beautiful wood dresser were the only things in it. But it still was amazing that he did this all on his own. "Wow" was all I could say, I was absolutely captivated.

"Do you want to see the other room?" I nodded and I had to admit I liked the vibe of the other one better.

The room was somewhat small but it had windows everywhere, making it feel like you were living in the forest.

"I still can't believe you did all of this. You are extremely talented" I said, looking back at him, he looked away. I had seen him do that before, I wondered why he was suddenly not looking at me. 

And then I remembered I was only wearing his shirt, a shirt that barely covered anything. I sighed in exasperation and slapped myself on the forehead as I asked "Do you have any more clothes I can borrow?"

He looked at me as if noticing that as well and rolled his eyes at himself for forgetting "Of course, why don't you take a bath, that is mostly why I brought you here anyway."

"Mostly?" I asked and he walked out of the room and into the other one.

He came back with a pair of grey joggers, dark blue boxers, and a black hoodie with 'Princeton' written in red letters. I made a note to ask about it later.

"I'm sorry I don't have any female underwear, I never really brought any girl here so they didn't leave anything--"

I gasped and started waving my hands "Even if they did, I would never want to wear their clothes, especially their underwear" I said, outraged and he looked at me like I had two heads.

"Why?" was he serious? God, he was so dense sometimes.

"What would you do if you stayed at my house and I gave you the clothes of some guy I slept with?" I tried to make him understand, but instead, he got angry.

"I would probably track the jerk with the remaining scent and then I'd kill him" he mumbled.

I pretended I didn't hear that as I asked "What?"

"Nothing," he said, clearing his throat, taking a deep breath as he strolled out of the room and headed downstairs "I'll make you some food, feel free to use everything you need."

I smiled, never before had I thought jealousy was cute. But he made it adorable, everything about him, even the bad parts I liked, and that scared me. 

I walked to the bathroom and took off Harlan's shirt which I then carefully folded and placed on the bathroom counter and started filling the tub with warm water. I then examined myself in the mirror, looking for any sign of the horrible scratches and bites I'd felt before. Only the old ones remained, having turned into keloid scars.

The images from my attack flashed into my mind and I had to take a deep breath to calm myself down as I gently massaged one shoulder and then--

As I started massaging my left shoulder I felt it. The smallest, yet most meaningful scar I had gotten. The mating mark. I could see it when I turned around and moved my hair out of the way. It wasn't like the other bite, the one that changed me, this one was only four small dots.

I hated the other scars and the memories they brought me, but this one, this one I loved for some reason. It felt different. Felt more special. 

I thought back to that scene I witnessed when my soul left my body for the first time. That intimate moment where Damien saw Selene hurt and he bit her and she bit him... Harlan was a jerk to me then and I couldn't really ask, but now... I was sure I'd get an answer.

As I said before, I had so many questions. But as I stepped into the warm bath and felt my muscles relax I realized something, I was happier and more content than I'd ever been.

Even after having suffered an attack. Even after everything that had been happening.

I realized then, I would be okay.

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