Chapter 68

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I still remember the day of the battle clearly. The bloodshed, the chaos, the feeling of loss.

The day started like the last few we'd been having. We met up in Damien's study. Selene was so pregnant she could barely move, and Harlan - as much as I hated to say it - was right, she was about to pop.

As if her mate wasn't worried enough, Violette came bursting through the door with terrible news, gasping for air. This weirdly felt like a deja vu.

"They are going to go after her," she started, immediately sitting down and nearly collapsing. It seemed like she wasted a great amount of her dark energy - and regular energy - to get here.

"After whom?" Callum rushed to her side.

"Selene," she said "They know she's defenseless--"

"I am not defenseless" Selene protested.

"They know she is weakened," she corrected herself " and they want to take your child as well, possibly kill it" Selene looked horrified and Damien was absolutely fuming.

"How do you know?" Elowen asked.

"I was spying on the vampires, they're closer than expected... Do you still have the wild rose I gave you?" She looked at Harlan who nodded.

"Why would they want to hurt an innocent child?" I seriously could not understand how they would even think of such a thing.

"Because they're afraid of what it means" Elowen spoke "The child could be as powerful as Damien, the next alpha of alphas... They possibly think one is more than enough."

"I see" It was still awful to think Everest would be okay with killing his own grandchild, but why would he be different with his grandkid when he was so awful to his kids?

Damien who seemed to be completely on edge said "I will not allow this to happen" he then looked at me "You will take Arden and Selene and will run the moment the battle ensues, it is your duty to protect Selene" The seriousness of his voice meant this wasn't to be challenged.

"What? You are going to send me away, again?" Selene was furious.

"I will not be dissuaded, this is for your safety and our child's," he said seriously and the look on his eye dared anyone to even set a foot out of line so he could kill them all.

I wanted to be on the frontline next to Harlan, but to be honest, I thought this was more important. Selene hated it but eventually had to accept she was more vulnerable now.

"Tomorrow is the full moon" Blaze sighed "Who knows how many lives we will lose?"

"We will fight with our fangs and claws this time, and while our bites do kill vampires it takes a day," Harlan said "We must use the Wildrose to our advantage."

"Maybe I can turn it into a powder that coats our teeth," Callum said.

"In a day?" I asked.

"Please, I could do it in an hour" Callum smiled "We did the same thing with aconite when we last fought Everest."

"How? Doesn't it harm you?"

"We... trained," Harlan said "Learned to manage our pain and even have a little bit of resistance to the fucking thing."

"We have a built-up resistance and all, but maybe this time Violette can have the darts full of aconite, ready to inject"

"Sounds fun, I'll do it" Elowen and Violette shared an evil smile.

"How will she know which ones are on our side?" I asked.

"Oh do not worry dearest, I can easily tell" I was tempted to ask how, but it would be less embarrassing if I just asked Harlan later.

The meeting lasted all day, we went over every detail a thousand times. Everything to make sure it was perfect. But Selene put a stop to our anxious rambling.

"Let's have dinner," Selene said with a smile. 

And so we did, and it was nice. Violette must have had like ten blood bags to get back the energy she had lost earlier.

And just as we were about to eat dessert, the warning howls echoed around the clearing.

And even though they were miles away, we heard them clearly. They were coming from every direction, we were surrounded. This was terrible, especially because our reinforcements arrived tomorrow morning.

We weren't expecting them before the full moon, and they knew that.

"Fuck," Harlan got up from his seat fast. "The full moon isn't till tomorrow, are they going to send their half-lings in their human form? We'll annihilate them."

"It doesn't matter," Damien said looking at me and Arden "You are going to have to fight your way out."

Another howl. They were getting closer.

"Let's go," Arden said before giving Elowen a quick kiss and grabbing Selene's hand.

I looked at Harlan and he stared at me like it might be the last time he ever saw me. He pulled me into his arms and whispered "I love you" before kissing me and handing me the bags we'd prepared together earlier. Then he literally bolted out of the dining room with everyone else.

"We'll go out through the back door," Arden said, and honestly I felt more comfortable following the orders of a seasoned general than having to give them myself.

As soon as we were out of the house Arden shifted, she was a red wolf a little bit smaller than Selene and me, but still big. I placed a bag with a few provisions around her and tied it. Just as I was about to turn Selene placed a hand on her stomach. 

"You okay?" I asked and she nodded, shifting first. I prayed it was nothing and put another bag around Selene as well.

I shifted as well, the experience painless this time and we ran through the woods, careful not to make a sound or alert others with our scent.

Damien had said we were to head over to the nearest druid camp. They would not interfere in the war but would most definitely offer protection to a pregnant woman. The camp was in Dease Lake and it would take us a few hours to get there. 

As we cleared Miracle and failed to see a single soul, we thought we got lucky. Thankfully Arden was with us, if it were up to me I would have led us right into battle accidentally.

But our luck ran out.

We were about two hours away when Selene collapsed. She shifted back into a human and placed a hand on her stomach.

Arden looked back and Selene screamed in pain. "Shit," she said still trying to walk.

I begged this wasn't happening, I implored this was just a bad dream or Braxton-hicks. But as her water ruptured we all collectively started to panic.

Literally the worst time and the worst place for this to be happening.

'What do we do?' I asked Arden.

'We can't stay here' Arden looked at me 'We're exposed'

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