Chapter 57

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Author's PoV:

"She has such beautiful eyes," Mariam spoke softly.

"So adorable," Arhaan commented.

"My princess," Ahan breathed, mesmerised.

"She's pretty hairy," Ayan's voice made everyone turn to him in bewilderment and offence. "But she's cute. Such an angel," he added with a sheepish smile.

Ashiya looked at everyone and then at the little bundle of joy that lay beside her. Her daughter. Ashiya had become a mother now. She couldn't believe it. She tried to get up but Saba, who was standing right next to her, stopped her.

"You should be taking a rest now," she patted her daughter's head. Ashiya and Ahan's family came rushing to the hospital as soon as they were informed about her water breakage. The delivery was carried out smoothly without any complications but that didn't stop Ahan from pacing in the hospital corridor in anxiety. He literally barged inside the delivery room when he got to know about the birth of his daughter. "You people can leave, I'll stay by her side tonight," Saba announced, making Mariam frown.

"What for? We know you hate the smell of hospitals. You should go and I'll stay."

"Who will take care of your kids if you stay here?" Saba argued.

"We're not kids!" Arhaan and Ayan exclaimed.

Saba shook her head, "Whatever, I'll stay."

Ashiya looked helplessly at her family. Their concern for her was nice but she really was not in a mood to witness their dramatic conversations. The labour pain had exhausted her and sucked all her energy out. Ahan understood her situation and decided to put an end to the chaos.

"I'll stay with her," he said in a calm but authoritative manner. "It's the least I can do."

Everyone looked at him and for some reason, they forgot how to argue. Nodding like obedient children, they left the couple after taking a last glance at the new member of their family.

"You must be tired," Ashiya heard and nodded.

"There's barely any energy lef–"

"Aww little one, you're so pretty."

Ashiya turned her head to see her husband busy with their daughter. He was so engrossed in talking to the new addition to their life that he completely forgot about his wife's existence.

"Look at you sleeping so peacefully. My baby," he made little kissing sounds that would have sounded cute had he not pissed his wife off.

"Oh yes, your daughter was the one carrying me for nine months, I see," her tone was snarky, and enough for Ahan to get the signal that he had angered his wife.

He immediately straightened up, focusing all his attention towards Ashiya. "I just got distracted," he smiled hesitantly. "I mean, who wouldn't? Look at her, she's gorgeous."

It was true. Ashiya shifted her heated gaze from Ahan to their daughter and it immediately softened her. She was fast asleep without a care in the world. Reaching out to hold her small hands, Ashiya felt an overwhelming sense of affection. "I'm gonna protect you from every bad thing, little one."

"And I am going to protect you both," Ahan placed a sweet kiss on his wife's cheek. The couple kept looking at their baby, as if in a trance. Both of them found it hard to avert their eyes from her. "She's so tiny."

Ashiya nodded. "I know right," she whispered and looked up at Ahan who still had his gaze fixed on their daughter. She smiled, realising how smitten he already was. Alhamdulillah, she uttered and closed her eyes to get some sleep.

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