Chapter 16

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Ashiya's PoV:

My father died from cardiac arrest when I was in my mother's womb. He didn't even get to see my face when I was born. Mom says that I am a carbon copy of my father, with same facial features and same kinda attitude. She says that I remind her of him. It was true that I have no memory of him, but that doesn't mean that I don't miss him...

What happened today was shocking. I was just trying to help Khala by talking to her when her son barged in and said such things to me. I felt bad for how he behaved. How can someone be so judgemental? Was it my fault that I had no memory of my father? I didn't feel bad because of what he said because honestly, what others think of me has never had an effect on me. But his behaviour, how could he say such things to anyone...

I was feeling some kind of heaviness, a pain in my chest. I felt as if someone was trying to choke me... I tried to cry in order to ease the pain but no tears came out, not a single one. Crying had always been difficult for me, especially when I was really very hurt. I don't know why it was like that but I couldn't cry easily like other people. It felt weird and really very painful. I picked up my phone and dialled Ammi's number. On the fourth ring, she picked up.

"Assalamualaikum Ammi..." I greeted with my voice low.

"Walaikum Assalam beta," Ammi replied, her voice seemed tired, "how are you?"

"I'm good Ammi, how are you? Am I disturbing you?"

"Oh no no, I am just a little bit tired. We just came back to our hotel room," she said. "Are you okay, Ashu?" she asked when I didn't say anything.

"Yeah Ammi, I...just wanted to hear your voice..." I said.

"You seem off, Ashu. Tell me did something happen? Are you upset?" She asked sensing my state.

"No Ammi, I'm perfectly fine. I just..." I lied to prevent her from worrying, "I miss you, Ammi. Please come soon."

"I will, InshaAllah," she said though I'm sure she was still not convinced.

"Alright Ammi, you should take rest now. Allah Hafiz," I said.

"Ashu," she said before I could disconnect the call, "I know you're not feeling well. It's okay if you don't want to tell me. But you can always talk about your problems to the One who already knows everything..." I smiled listening to her words. Mothers!

"Thanks Ammi," I said, "I love you!"

"Love you too beta, Allah Hafiz."

"Allah Hafiz..."




Ahan's PoV:

Guilt was all I felt when I heard what had really happened between Mom and her. I didn't know what to say or do. I felt like banging my head on the wall. The things I said to her were disgusting and completely wrong! How could I behave like that with her? How could I... be so insensitive? This is not what my Mom taught me while growing up. This was so inhumane of me...

I was pacing back and forth in my room when Mom entered. She had a gloomy look on her face. I knew I had hurt her.

"You need to apologise to her," she said and I nodded. I was about to exit the room when she spoke again, "be sincere to her, Ahan. And ask her to forgive you."

I was standing in front of the guest room, contemplating on what I should say. How am I gonna face her? What am I gonna say? What if she doesn't forgive me? I shook my head and knocked on the door. I knocked again when I got no answer. Still, no answer. I twisted the door knob and pushed it a little to get a look inside. What I saw next was enough to make stand rooted on my spot.

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