Chapter 6

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Reminder: Pray your salahs before reading this story.

Ahan's PoV:

"Yeah I'll wait, don't worry," I said over the phone to Ghulam Bhai, our driver, who was currently stuck in traffic. I cut the call and put my phone inside my jeans pocket. As I entered the parking lot, I saw Ashiya standing there, busy with her phone. I walked over to her and cleared my throat to get her attention.

Ashiya's PoV:

I heard someone clearing his throat and turned around to find Ahan. What does he want now? I thought.

"What are you doing here?" He asked.

"Cooking," I replied sarcastically but he just looked at me with his expression less face. Is this guy a rock or something?
"I'm waiting for Ayan," I said when just kept looking at me.

"He is already gone," he said. WHAT??

"WHAT? WHERE? Why didn't he tell me? Now how am I gonna go home? I am going to complain about you guys to Khala!" I said in one breath. These brothers!!! Now I'll have to walk since this jerk is anyways not going to help me. With that, I started walking away from him.

"Where are you going?" He asked as I stopped myself from replying sarcastically.

"Home, of course"

"Come with me," I heard him and stopped in my tracks. Was it really his voice? I don't think so. "Ghulam Bhai is coming with the other car." Oh, it was indeed his voice.

But why is he helping me? Is there some other motive behind this? Is he going to kidnap me and then throw my body somewhere after killing me? My subconscious asked me.

Stop watching too much of TV, you dumbass! My mind told me.

Oh yeah, then why do you think he's being nice to you? My subconscious asked.

He's just being polite, my mind reasoned.


No it's not rubbish.

Oh yes it is!

No it's not!

"Shut up!!" I said to both of them without realising that I was loud and Ahan heard me.

"What?" His frowned.

"Oh no I didn't say that to you," I blurted. His eyes scanned the parking lot before returning to me, he must be thinking that that I'm mad. "How long do we have to wait?" I tried to change the topic. He opened his mouth to reply but closed it and pointed his finger ahead at a black  car entering the lot.

We got inside the car and drove back home. The car ride was silent till Ghulam Bhai spoke up.

"How are your studies going on, Ashu?" He asked and I realised the question was for me since Ahan has already completed his studies.

"It's good, bhai," I replied with a smile,
"How's Humaira?"

"Crazy," he replied with a laugh. Humaira was his 11 year old daughter. He was a middle aged man who had been working for Ahan's family since many years. Humaira was an enthusiastic little girl who kinda reminded me of myself when I was her age."She wants to become an astronaut, you know."

"Wow!" I exclaimed, "I'm sure she'll achieve her dream since she has always been good in studies." It was true. Besides being very notorious, Humaira was amazing in studies.

"InshaAllah," he said with a smile, "all of this is because of Allah's blessings, Alhamdulillah. Also, Ahan baba has done a lo--"

"That's enough, Bhai," Ahan, who remained quite throughout the ride, now cut him, "you shouldn't talk much while driving." Rude!

"Sure," Bhai replied softly. He was shaking his head with a smile on his lips. I thought he'd be upset due to the way he got interrupted but no, he looked at Ahan and smiled again.

He has surely been spoilt a lot by people around him, I sighed.

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