chapter 7 - 1948

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the hidden letters

1946         Cece - 8 years old

Dear Elvis,

the weather in California is HOT. The beach is five minutes away from here, so it's a little better. My daddy has another family. A wife and two kids and it feels weird. I start school soon and I'm scared no one is gonna like me. I wrote a letter to my mama and I'm going to give her this one. So she'll give this one to your mama. The kids here are so weird. Their accents are funny.  I miss you. How are you doing in Tupelo? And your mama? Write me back soon?

Sending you a big hug,



1946         Elvis - 10 years old

Dear Cece,

your mama said you'd be writing letters but I got none. Maybe it got lost somewhere. School is started soon and it's gonna be weird not taking you there. I'll be in sixth grade. I now officially hate my tree house. It's empty and dirty. I miss you 'cause you always cleaned it. Kidding. I hope you're coming back and also I don't like your daddy, 'cause he took you away from your family. I don't know what else to write. Nothing interesting happened.

Come back,



1947         Cece - 9 years old

Dear Elvis,

writing you letters feels like an escape from the world here. You haven't written anything back and I know you're mad at me. I tried to run away but my daddy found me and he was angry with me. I'm not allowed to go anywhere on my own now. Which is good, because I now write to you and my mama. I hate it here — I try to convince myself that it's gonna be better, but when will it ever be? I think I'm gonna die of loneliness. Would you come here to attend my funeral? There are no churches nearby. Do you remember when we listened to the choir on your birthday? I wanted to relive that. I miss you. Please write something.




1947         Elvis - 11 years old

Dear Cece,

I don't remember the last time I picked up a pen so often. I like writing to you. It seems like a journal. I write and nothing comes back. Except I feel better. I tried to continue writing that song. Remember? It goes like oh, sweet, Cece Flora. Once it's done I'll send it to you. My mama said it's hot in California. Is it? Once again I hate your daddy.

Bye Cece,



1948        Cece - 10 years old

Dear Elvis,

I'm finally ten years old. I got two numbers. It's not one anymore. My daddy asked me what I wanted for my birthday and I said I wanted to go back home. He said no and then bought me a guitar. This one is very pretty, though I don't remember how you can make it sound right. I wish you were here to teach me. I started writing a song. It's called that's all right. Maybe we can sing it together when I'm back? My step siblings are okay now for the most part. It's still weird seeing my daddy so happy with someone other than my mama. He said that maybe we're paying you a visit. Visit or not I'm staying there and I'll never come back again.

Hope your mama and daddy are doing fine. Miss you,



1948         Elvis - 12 years old

Dear Cece,

when my family and I moved to Tupelo I remember how scared I felt. That I wouldn't fit in and whatnot. I still feel that way somehow. I'm not very good with emotions and all that crap, but I feel alone right now. Mama said it's a phase and I'll get over it. I hope so, because I hate the way I feel. Like I ain't got no purpose. I just know I wanna sing and do something with my guitar. I wanna make people happy. Daddy announced that we're moving to Memphis for his work and your mama is moving with us. Having her there feels like having you here in a way. I hope that doesn't sound weird. This will be my last letter. I'll keep writing, because I always feel better when I do, but I won't be sending them no more since you don't write back.




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