Chapter Twenty One: A Gruesome Sight

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Purpled was panicking. He had no idea what to do in this situation. Tommy was out cold after all that work to save him. Purpled reached for his phone, but he didn't have any service atop the cliff. Somehow, he had to get himself and the unconscious Tommy down to the bottom of the cliff before he could do anything. Adrenaline pumped through his veins, and with a surge of strength, he lifted Tommy up and carried him over to the much less steep portion of the cliff. Unfortunately, it was still a long way down, and Purpled was deathly afraid to hurt his friend. "Fuck!" He cursed, looking around for another way down. There wasn't one. It was here or nowhere, and with Tommy's life on the line, Purpled had to make a choice. Slowly, he made his way to the edge, trying to decide how he would carry Tommy down the cliffside. Finally deciding, he put down his backpack filled with food, water, and his only source of communication, opting to leave it there. His phone wouldn't do him any good if he couldn't get Tommy down off the cliff. Then, he put Tommy over his back like a backpack and held Tommy's arms tightly around his neck with his left arm, securing his friend in place, while he reached out and grabbed onto the rocky wall with his right hand. 

His fingers burned as they took on the weight of both himself and Tommy. Fortunately, Tommy was skinny, though it was concerning how light the boy was. Purpled cursed himself for not noticing this at the campfire. Refocusing on the task at hand, Purpled let go with his right hand, feeling a spike of fear shoot through his body as he fell backwards, his fingers burning once more as he reclaimed his grip on the wall. Continuing like this, he let go, moved his grip to a lower rock, and then swung his feet down to a lower ledge. About halfway down, he realised there was no way he could make it all the way down the wall. His fingers felt like they were on fire, they were bloody and scraped. Not only that, his left arm was becoming more and more tired, and it was getting harder and harder to carry Tommy. 

"I'm sorry Tommy." Purpled whispered. Then, in one swift motion, he removed his friend's arms from around his neck, only gripping onto Tommy's left arm. He felt Tommy's blood run down through his fingers, mixing in with Purpled's own blood. He had accidentally reopened a cut on Tommy's arm. Too busy to worry about that, he tightened his grip and continued lowering Tommy to the ground, hanging precariously from the cliffside. In this fashion, he lowered his friend as close to the ground as possible, making sure he wouldn't hit his head, and dropped him. Then, he focused on himself, making his own way to the ground pretty quickly. He made sure Tommy hadn't hit his head, thanking the lord when Tommy's head didn't appear to be injured. Other than the blood that was slowly leaking through both of Tommy's sleeves, there were no apparent injuries, though it was largely possible that he had twisted something the wrong way in his fall. Tommy would be lucky if he hadn't broken a bone, but there was nothing too bad that Purpled could see. Then, he pulled Tommy up again, this time carrying him bridal style. He had to make it to Niki's bakery. Bad could help him from there, and then he could call the others. He started running, seeing the main road in front of him. "Hold on Toms. We're almost there."

"Bad!" Purpled yelled, bursting through the door. "I need you!" Bad glanced up from the counter and immediately jumped up from his seat. "What in the muffin is this?" Bad asked, taking in Purpled's bleeding fingers and Tommy's very beaten and unconscious body. "I found Tommy, but he needs medical help immediately!" Purpled answered. "Alright, hold on one second..." Bad ran back behind the counter, picking up the phone and dialing a number. "Hi, we have a young boy, badly injured, in need of medical assistance as soon as possible. He is currently unconscious and bleeding, and we aren't particularly sure what else is wrong." He paused for a moment, listening to the voice on the other end. "Yes, we're at Nihachu Sweets and Bakery. Thank you so much." He hung up the phone and sighed. "Let's try to stop the bleeding, yeah?" Bad suggested. He handed Purpled a wet towel and grabbed one for himself, heading over to where Purpled had laid Tommy down. 

"Put some pressure on the wounds, wherever they are." Bad instructed, and Purpled obliged, carefully pulling up Tommy's sleeve. Then, he gasped. "Oh Toms." He whispered, staring at the ugly sight in front of him. Tommy's arm was crisscrossed with horrifying gashes and cuts, most of which were bleeding. The skin around the cuts was dirty and looked infected. The bandage which had been used to cover the cuts was almost all the way off, soaked through with blood. The messy wounds were obviously fresh, but there were old scars beneath the layers of blood, dirt, and grime. Rolling up Tommy's other sleeve, Purpled was met with yet another gruesome sight. This arm was worse than before, almost no part of his arm left unbloodied. Old scars covered his entire arm. The skin was shredded and ripped, and the blood ran dark crimson, bleeding heavily. It almost looked like the skin on his arm had been peeled away. Together, Purpled and Bad each took an arm, doing their best with the wet towels they owned. Upon wiping away some of the blood, Purpled realised that some of the gashes ran much deeper than he had previously thought. In some spots, he could see all the way to the bone, though Tommy had appeared to have missed his veins. Purpled hoped Tommy had somehow managed to miss the major muscles and arteries in his arms. 

"Fuck, Bad, I don't know what else I can do." Purpled cursed. "Language!" Bad reprimanded. Then he sighed. "Me neither. I guess just put some pressure on it to stop the bleeding as much as possible. The ambulance is on the way." Purpled nodded and followed Bad's instructions, wrapping Tommy's arm in the towel tightly. Unfortunately, the towel was quickly soaked through, the same as the bandages. "He's losing too much blood!" Purpled cried. Just then, he heard the sound of sirens. "Thank goodness." Bad exclaimed as the ambulance appeared outside the shop. Within moments, the men had taken Tommy into the back and had begun wrapping his arms, stopping the bleeding much more efficiently than Bad and Purpled had. "He needs immediate care, so you'll have to come to the hospital on your own. In this situation, no one can ride with him to the hospital." One of the first responders informed the two. "He needs medication for schizophrenia, that's what's caused this whole thing." Purpled said, and the man called over to the others, explaining Purpled's contribution. "I would suggest you call someone who can take you to visit him soon, and don't expect him to be all better by tonight. From what we can see, he needs a lot of care, and since he's already unconscious, it can be tricky to access what needs to be done. But don't worry. He's in good hands now." Purpled thanked the man as he ran back to the ambulance and it pulled back out into the street, siren blazing. Purpled finally broke down and started to cry, and Bad teared up as well. "Come on. Let's go call the others." Bad suggested, and the two headed back into the shop.


Twenty One Chapters in! I won't be able to post this weekend, I'm out of town, but I'll definitely post sometime next week. I'm finally starting my description and detailing of the sequel to Black and White, so if you've read that one, I haven't forgotten about it. Obviously it's going to take a lot of time to actually post the first chapter, but at least we're making progress. I hope you enjoyed, and I'll see you all later, yeah? Bye! <3

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