Chapter Twenty Two: Found

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"Hello? Yes, Niki, I have some news... Yes, it would be best if you could call the others, the ones who were looking for Tommy? Purpled is already here... Yeah, we'll explain when you arrive... See you soon." Bad put down the phone and Purpled put his head in his hands. "I can't believe this is happening." He muttered. "Hey, it'll be okay. I don't personally know the kid, but he sounds like he's pretty stubborn. He won't go down without a fight." Bad comforted him. Purpled only lowered his head more.

"Purpled!" Punz yelled, running to his brother. "You can't just run away like that! Do you have any idea how worried I was? Tommy's already missing, we can't have you missing too!" The rest of the group piled into the shop, and Purpled looked away. "Tommy isn't missing." He mumbled. "What do you mean? He's been missing for four days!" Purpled shook his head. "I found him this morning." Immediately, the group erupted into concerned questions and excited glances. "Let him speak!" Niki yelled out, and the group quieted. "I found him this morning up on a cliff. I think the voices got to him, and he was going to jump." The group let out a few horrified gasps, and Purpled continued. "I yelled at him to stop, and it must have gotten through to him, because he turned around and looked at me. He kept saying he didn't want to die, that the voices were controlling him." Techno nodded knowingly. "He kept fighting against them. He would take a step towards the edge, then somehow scoot back away again. But he was losing the battle, he was obviously tired, and he looked really skinny." The group nodded along as Purpled told his story. "I was just about to reach him when he looked back at me, panicking. I could tell he lost the battle, that he was about to jump. I reached out, and somehow caught his arm." Everyone was tense, listening to the story, praying for a good ending. "The adrenaline of the fall must have broken him out of the voice's hold, because he was doing his best as soon as I asked for his help. He was really light, so I was able to pull him up once he started working with me. He climbed, and I pulled. When we got to solid ground, I pulled him into a hug and tried to get some food from my bag, but Tommy looked really out of it. He started apologizing, like he thought it was his fault. I think that may have been partially because of his past foster homes. I started telling him it wasn't his fault, but he wasn't listening. He started to sway, and collapsed into me. I caught him, but he fell unconscious pretty quickly." Everyone gasped again. "We were up on the cliff, and my phone didn't work up there, so I realised my best bet was to get to Niki's shop. I knew Bad could help me. So I started climbing down the side of the cliff with Tommy on my back, leaving my bag up there. It took me over a half an hour to get halfway down. About then, I realised I couldn't make it all the way down like that. I was getting too tired, my fingers were bloody, and Tommy, though he was light, was very awkward to carry. So I held him by his arm and lowered him as close to the ground as possible, and I dropped him. His arm started bleeding, and when I reached the ground, I noticed that both of his sleeves were soaked in blood. I carried him here, and Bad called the ambulance for him. Then, we tried to stop the bleeding on his arms." He glanced at Bad, who looked away. "They were bad." Purpled whispered. "He cut himself, and he had old scars there too. I think he's been doing it for a while now." The group shared a sad look, and Purpled continued. "The ambulance came and took him to the hospital, and they recommended that we visit often, though they weren't sure when he would wake up. Then, Bad called you guys, and here we are." He finished. Punz pulled Purpled into a hug. "You're a hero, you know that? He would've died without you." Purpled shuddered at the thought, but smiled at his brother. "I love you." Punz whispered. "I love you too." Purpled whispered back. And for just that moment, Purpled relaxed.


Sorry for the short chapter, it was pretty hard to split up each part so that they make sense. I hope you all enjoyed, and I'll see you all later, yeah? Bye! <3 <3 <3

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