Chapter Twenty Three: News

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// For some reason, this chapter was showing up as a repeat for people, so I deleted the original chapter and reposted. Thanks for letting me know!

The group stayed at Niki's cafe with Bad for a bit, eating lunch. It wouldn't do any good to go to the hospital right away, since they wouldn't be able to see Tommy until he had been thoroughly checked for injuries. By the time everyone finished eating, it was half past one, and everyone was getting restless. "Can we visit Tommy now?" Tubbo asked. "Of course. Bad, thank you so much for your help." Niki said. "Call me later to discuss a raise." Bad shook his head. "I couldn't accept that Niki. All I did was help someone in need." Niki glared back at Bad. Call me, she mouthed at him as the group exited the shop. Phil, Niki, Dream, and Punz all had cars, so they split up to meet at the hospital. Purpled, Punz, and Tubbo went in Punz's car, Dream, George, and Sapnap went in Dream's car, Niki, Sam, Quackity, and Foolish went in Niki's car, and Phil, Techno, and Wilbur went in Phil's car.

The ride to the hospital was silent. No one wanted to speak about what they had heard. They were all dreading Tommy's condition. The only good part of Purpled's story was that Tommy wanted to live. He hadn't given up hope, and he had fought the voices until his very last moments of consciousness. Hopefully, with the right medication and care, he would make a full recovery. And even better, with the right love and kindness, his voices may disappear completely, to the point where he wouldn't need medication to keep them away. By the time the group arrived at the hospital, it was close to four o'clock. They were greeted by solemn faces and slightly puffy eyes of their other friends. "Hello, we're here to see Thomas Innit, he was admitted earlier this morning." Phil spoke for the group. "Oh, yes, I see. He just got out of surgery, so you should be able to visit. Room 208, head straight down that hallway and the elevators are on your left." Phil thanked the woman and the group shuffled down the hallway and into the elevators, stumbling down the hallway to room 208. "Three at a time," The nurse on the second floor spoke, and the group glanced at each other, silently asking who was to go in first. "I'm going!" Tubbo announced firmly, and no one complained. "I'll go too." Purpled said, stepping towards the door. "Me too." Niki said. The rest of the group silently made their way to the second floor waiting room, and the three entered Tommy's hospital room.


Hey guys! I'm not dead, sorry it's been a while. Updates are definitely going to be a bit less frequent for a while, I've got a lot going on right now, and it's hard to update consistently. I know this is a short chapter, but hopefully I'll give you a longer hospital visit chapter by the end of the week. Originally, the plan was to take a week off since I was out of town, but the week kept expanding as I added things to my schedule. I didn't mean to wait so long, sorry to everyone who's been keeping up with this book.

In general, this book is going to take some time to finish. Things have gotten pushed back like crazy, and my life has been on full speed. Thank you to everyone who's still reading and keeping up with me, and I'll see you all later, yeah? Bye! <3 <3 <3

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