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—𝗿𝗲𝗮𝗹 𝗹𝗶𝗳𝗲

"I can't believe I am actually doing this..."

Val stepped out of her, ready to hear Drew out. Well not exactly ready but mostly.

All the convincing her friends have done finally paid off because here she was, walking to talk to Drew about their relationship.

But to be fair this was long due since she didn't exactly here him out the day the article came out about him and Olivia since she was busy destroying Drew's whole place.

Valerie's stomach turned as she reminisced the thought of Drew and Olivia together.

As Valerie approached the designated palm tree, she couldn't help but feel a mix of emotions. Half of her was super nervous to talk about their relationship and another half of her wanted to know the truth.

Valerie headed towards the spot where she saw Drew, leaning against the tree on his phone. Knowing Drew is unaware of his surrounding when he is on his phone, Valerie decided to speak now or else.


Drew looked up from his phone, startled by Valerie's voice. He quickly pocketed his phone and met her gaze. There was a flicker of something in his eyes—a combination of surprise, regret, and vulnerability.

"Valerie," he stammered, his voice uncharacteristically shaky. "I didn't expect you to actually show up."

"Well, here I am," Valerie replied, her voice gentle yet resolute. She took a moment to gather her thoughts, acknowledging the whirlwind of emotions running through her mind.

Drew, uncertain about how to proceed, tentatively asked, "Did you want anything to eat?"

Valerie shook her head, finding a seat on a nearby chair placed beneath the palm tree that she would always sit on. "No," she responded, her voice tinged  vulnerability. "I just want to know why."

Drew's expression softened, realizing the weight of her words. Taking a seat beside her, on his spot, he knew he had to confront the truth head-on.

He understood that Valerie's trust was hanging in the balance—whether she would believe him or reject his words and run away. Yet, he was determined to confess the truth, no matter how difficult it might be.

"Okay, I'm just going to be straight up," Drew began, his voice steady yet laden with remorse.

Valerie took a deep breath, preparing herself for what's going to come next.

"Me and the cast went out for drinks one day, celebrating the drop. When we arrived, the paparazzi were already there, capturing our every move. We decided to step outside for some drinks, and that's when we saw Olivia and a few of her friends..."

Valerie listened intently, her heart sinking at the mention of Olivia's name—the very person who had torn apart their relationship. She clenched her fists, trying to suppress the emotions that were about to resurfaced.

"Do you want me to continue?" Drew asked, noticing Valerie's discomfort. Valerie hesitated, but with a reluctant nod, she silently urged him to proceed.

"Okay... so when I saw Olivia, I greeted her to be polite, considering she was your friend. But then she came up to me and started making conversation. The thing was, Olivia was hammered, completely gone. She offered me a drink and I didn't want to be rude so I accepted. Which was a mistake on my part and I am so sorry and I'm so stupid for getting that drink. Then afterwards I went back to the cast and the paparazzi were still there so JD said that we should go back to his apartment and just hang there and we all agreed. While we were about to leave Olivia came up to me again and I told her that we were leaving. But she would not stop talking to new so I told the others to go to the car and I'd meet them there. But as I was about to get up she kissed me. And please believe me that the second she did that I pushed her off.  The paparazzi must've caught it on camera so that's how they got the picture."

Val was stuck. Literally. She didn't know how to react to this type of information. She felt herself frozen in place, her mind racing to make sense of Drew's confession. In her heart, she knew Drew had never lied during their relationship, yet her trust had been shattered before.

"Val, after this, you can hate me all you want," Drew pleaded, his voice filled with desperation. "But I need you to believe me. I wanted to text you the moment it happened, but my phone was dead, and by then, the image was probably already out."

Valerie took a deep breath, her mind racing with the weight of Drew's words. His confession took Valerie by storm and deep down Valerie believed in Drew. But she needed time to process everything that came out of his mouth.

"I... um, thank you for being open with me, Drew," she stammered, her voice quivering. The uneasy feeling in her stomach intensified, and she struggled to maintain her composure. "But I think I need some time to process everything."

Drew silently nodded, his throat tightening with anxiety. He didn't know Val to this extent. He didn't know if she believed him or not.

"I...I'll talk to you." Val silently got up from her seat and walked to her car.

As she walked away Drew watched her from afar. He was recked. He just so desperately wanted Valerie to know that it was a mistake.


also I made a trevor book
because I'm madly in love
with him 😊😊


𝐌𝐈𝐒𝐓𝐀𝐊𝐄 , drew starkeyWhere stories live. Discover now