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—𝗿𝗲𝗮𝗹 𝗹𝗶𝗳𝗲

"Home sweet home."

"This is an Airbnb, JD."

Currently, Austin, Chase, Jonathan, Rudy, and Drew were gathered the girls' Airbnb.

"Well you don't have much time in this airbnb sadly." Rudy voiced, sprawled out on the couch, probably from the amount of shots he took.

"Can you shut up man!" Chase jabbed Rudy in the stomach making Rudy wince and get up.

"Please don't remind me." Valerie groaned as she sat on the couch, Madelyn on one side and Drew on the other.

Kendall's modeling break had come to an end, and with Valerie's name cleared on the internet, brands were eager to collaborate with her. This meant their four-month break was cut short, with Valerie heading to New York City and Kendall to Los Angeles in just a week's time.

"Seriously, can you stop!" Madelyn whined, turning to Valerie. "I can't believe you're leaving next week. We still have so much left on our bucket list."

"Nuh-uh," Drew retorted, shooting Madelyn a pointed look as he pulled Valerie close to him. "We've got plans already."

"Can you shut up?" Madison rolled her eyes at Drew, sitting on the couch in front of them. "You are like an insect. Always trying to bite at what's not yours."

"Not mine, huh?" Drew looked at Madison with challenging eyes.

Valerie let out a laugh. Loving it whenever everyone hung out. These things weren't a party per se but just a little gathering.

Everyone else eventually sat down on the couches.

"But seriously, why did it take so damn long to have a hangout like this?" Austin announced taking a sip of his drink.

"Because someone made a little mistake." Jonathan raised his eyebrows up and down making Drew throw his head back and groan.

Kendall, snuggled up against Madison spoke, "This is why the miscommunication trope is my least favorite trope."

"Can you stop reading for like two seconds?" Rudy teased, his laughter filling the room making Kendall stick up her middle finger at the boy.

"I got the girl though." Drew raised his hands his faux surrender proceeding to wrap his hands around Valerie and planting a kiss on top of her head.

"Only took you drunk calling Valerie at 3 AM." Chase snorted which made Madelyn jab him in the ribs, making him squeal.

The atmosphere was buzzing, conversations bouncing around the room, feeling a sense of bittersweetness. Valerie loved it, and was heartbroken she was going to be leaving all of it in just a week.

Drew noticed Valerie's quiet behavior, "Hey, you okay?"

Valerie quickly broke away from her thoughts, looking up at Drew smiling and nodding.

"No you're not." Drew gave Valerie a pointed look, the background conversations making their conversation their own. "You wanna get out of here?" 

Valerie nodded. She hated how Drew noticed. He noticed everything which was a good thing and could be a problem.

They got up and started walking to the pool area making everyone cheer.

"So not discreet!" Jonathan yelled.

"Oh murder me for trying to spend time with my girlfriend." Drew mocked all of them as he guided Valerie out by her back. Taking a glance behind her shoulder to see all three girls smiling and shooting her a thumbs up. Madison even resorting to pretending to make out with herself.

"They're idiots." Valerie scoffed playfully as she jumped up to sit on the table, Drew stepping in between her legs. "But I love them."

"So what's up?" Drew asked, pushing a strand of hair behind her ear. With Valerie sitting on the table, she was the same height as Drew.

Valerie sighed softly, not wanting to bring Drew's mood down. It was a familiar insecurity, one that always crept on her in moments like this. Thinking that she's boring or that she ruins the mood.

"It's nothing. I'm just being dramatic. We can go back in." Valerie smiled softly at Drew, getting ready to get off the table before Drew rested his hands against her hips.

"It's not just nothing." Drew furrowed his eyebrows. "You can tell me."

Valerie's heart fluttered at this gesture. "It's just... I'm just going to miss this place so much." Valerie confessed, biting her lip. "I feel like I haven't spent enough time with everybody and even though we're all hanging out today, I just feel like it's too late."

"Vals," Drew sighed. "Why are you acting like you're never coming back to Charleston or you're never going to see any of these people again or as if you don't have breaks in between modeling?"

Valerie leaned into Drew's touch, feeling a rush of comfort from his words. "I know, it's just... leaving
is hard, you know?"

Drew nodded, expression softening. "I get it. But remember, no matter where we are or what we're doing, we'll always have each other. And these friendships? They're not going anywhere. You saw the group chat that Chase and Austin made... outer models? Shits corny but he has great intentions."

Valerie laughed at Drew's words about the group chat. Chase and Austin made a groupchat with her, Kendall, Madelyn, Madison, Drew, Rudy, and JD and named it outer models.

"You're right. But I swear these girls keep me on my feet more than anyone else."

"And that's never going to change." Drew reassured Valerie, brushing the top of her hair. "You guys did it before, who says you can't do it again?"

Valerie's heart warmed at Drew's attempt to make Valerie feel better. His words bringing Valerie to a sense of calm.

Leaning in, she softly pressed her lips against his. "Thank you Drew, I love you."

Drew smiled gently against her lips. Her words never failing to make him smile, "I love you." He muttered against her lips.

"Ok times up!" A voice boomed making Drew and Valerie abruptly break away from their kiss. Looking behind them they saw Jonathan and Rudy with champagne bottles.

"Are you guys going to come and party or what?" Jonathan yelled at the two, shaking the champagne problems.

Valerie looked at Drew with a challenging look before getting up, Drew watched Valerie with his eyebrows raised in amusement and a grin on his face.

"Hell yeah we are."


𝐌𝐈𝐒𝐓𝐀𝐊𝐄 , drew starkeyWhere stories live. Discover now