Part 7: Breakdown

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Sometimes we need to cry, to stop our hearts from drowning.
                                                - anonymous

‼️Trigger warning‼️

The next morning came by and you felt not an inch better than yesterday night, therefore the decision to miss both arrangements was made easily. Numbness is the only thing you are able to feel right now and even though your stomach is growling you don't find the strength to get out of bed.

The time you would meet Tom comes closer, but you haven't moved since you woke up, still in the short pair of pyjamas, hair unruly, teeth unbrushed, generally looking like shit or that's how you feel, if you feel anything other than the numbness. Hence why you cancel Tom as well, telling him you must have caught a cold. He texts you back a 'get well soon🫶' and you almost smile at the message.
Peace settling around you, when sleep devours you.

Tom is in the middle of a conversation with his agent when your message arrives. To say he isn't disappointed would be a lie. He was really excited to meet with you, planned a picnic at Richmond Park to celebrate your college admission. He already bought all the food, so he makes the conclusion to come by your flat and have a picnic there. Sure it won't be as good as planned, however he is content to see you although you're ill and hopefully make you feel better in the process.
After saying goodbye to his agent Tom drives back home, gets the food and continues his way to you.

The bell rings unbelievable loud and brings you out of your peaceful sleep. Still not having enough strength, you remain lying down. If it's important they will come back and if not they can go to the neighbours, after all there are enough. But to your displeasure the ringing continues followed by knocking and words you wish you didn't hear.

"Hey, it's me, Tom. I wanted to check on you," you could stay in bed at tell him you were asleep, when he asked, that isn't even a complete lie, you were asleep only seconds ago. Though it would have been a miracle to oversleep this obnoxious loud bell.
You really want to open the door for him, but not having enough willpower to do so.
Seconds turn into minutes and you are sure he has left by now and you have to go with the sleep excuse, yet you hear the door open and footsteps come in the direction of the bedroom.
Along with a picnic basket Tom enters, looking worried and relieved at the same time. He's watching you and you stare right back. No words are spoken between you until Tom sets down the basket and walks closer to your bed, where you lie motionless still watching him.

"How are you?"

His soft voice sounds, making you feel at ease, like always, nevertheless you don't know how to answer that question. You definitely aren't ill in the way he thinks you are, plus this question has been asked way to many times, you don't remember how to answer it truthfully anymore. Settling for a small shoulder shrug you watch him raise his hand to your forehead.

"You don't have a fever, that's good," searching for something in your eyes he pauses for a moment before continuing, "I brought some food, I wanted to take you to Richmond Park for a picnic, thought I would bring it to you since you are sick... by the way I found your spare key," he says pulling out the silver metal piece. That much you figured.
You only watch him, watch him standing up, grabbing the box, going back to your side and pulling out some apples along with cookies.

"Do you want to eat or is it your stomach?"

Shaking your head you sink deeper into the bed, turning your face so that it's halfway hidden by a pillow. Tom shouldn't see you like this, it's humiliating. Once Noah found you like this, he wasn't wasting a heartbeat to tell how pathetic and weak you were, still are.

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