Part 13: Noah

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do it for you,
not them
‼️trigger warning‼️

"Hello?" Your voice is laced with sleep and annoyance. Though you are wide awake when you hear the caller answer.
"Hi, babe." You jolt up from your half lying half sitting position, startling an also nearly asleep Tom.
Your first instinct is to end the call, but you know he will call time and time again until he terrorized you enough to pick up.

"What do you want Noah?" You hoped your voice wouldn't let on how you're feeling, hoped it would be strong and confident, however, it's small and scared.
"I want you to come home to me, baby. I miss you." Noah's voice is sweet like honey and if you didn't know him as well as you did, you would think he cares about you.
In reality all he wants is the human punching bag you were to him, not his girlfriend that he would go on dates with and cuddle in bed.

"No, you don't," it's a breathy whisper, nonetheless Noah must have heard it because you can hear him chuckle on the other side of the line. Your thoughts begin to race when Noah speaks again, but it is all just muffled. Questions clouding your mind, making it impossible for you to make out what he says.

Meanwhile Tom's attention his solely focused on you. He was about to fall asleep, just like you, but now he is wide awake. The second you jumped up from your lying position he knew it wasn't someone good on the phone, which was confirmed when you said his name. Noah. Tom can remember that name clear as day, it fell in the panic attack you had at the shoot you had together and back then he already wondered who had hurt you that much to have a panic attack over.

He sees your eyes waver, breath starting to become faster and air difficult for you to take in. Not wasting any more time Tom moves closer to you, so that he is right next to you, one arm going around your shoulders and one comfortingly rubbing along the other arm.

Telling from your little jump, you must have forgotten that he is here.

You feel an arm wrap around you and just for a second you thought it was Noah's, so absorbed in your own mind.
Relief and gratitude floods over you, when it's Tom's face and not Noah's. Relief, because you thought the last weeks were just a dream and in reality you were still in your flat in Germany, Noah only five minutes away and gratitude, because it's Tom. You can't exactly explain it, however you are grateful, grateful that he didn't run away when he discovered your deepest and ugliest secret. Grateful, that he supports you without questions and was there for you from the second you two met.
It's safe to say, that if it weren't for Tom you most definitely would be alone in your flat all day, just waiting for the start of university.

Noah can't be longer ignored, when he shouts into the phone "God damit Lou! Fucking answer my question! Where the hell are you? Come back home or you will regret it! I won't stop searching for you! Remember I already got your number. I can easily find your location too!"
Pondering over what to reply to him, you don't have to think long, because Tom snatches the phone out of your hands.

"Don't you fucking dare to contact her ever again. Stay out of her life, asshole!" To say you are shocked to hear Tom so furious would be an understatement, never in a million years would you have expected him to get so angry. You don't want to imagine Noah's tantrum when he hears another guy answering your phone. Sadly, you hear the beginning of it ,,THAT BETTER NOT BE ANOTHER GUY YOU ARE WITH! YOU SLUT!"

Just after that Tom cut the line to Noah and silence settles between you. You are too shocked, too terrified to say something. You had thought Noah would never find you, whether it be where you now life or your number, but he did... and you should have known he would. He always got what he wanted. When you both were still in school you would admire how determined he was, but soon you learned that this trait would be your least favorite of him.
Whether it be you not going to visit your friends and better spend time with him or persisting that it was your fault for whatever went wrong in his life and not his own, until you believed him... yeah, he always got what he wanted.

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