Chapter 6

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A couple of days had passed since I had last seen Morgan. I was back at work, and Jared was still not talking to me. I was sitting at my desk, waiting for the day to go by, hoping that we could go back to our usual banter, but doubtful that it would happen. My days felt dull without him. I missed my friend.

"When is my next patient?" He asked, startling me.

"10 minutes," I mumbled. "Jared, can we talk?" I asked, turning towards him.

"Thanks," he answered dryly, his eyes not leaving his clipboard. He turned around and left the reception to go back to his office. I sighed.My heart had felt heavy every time I had seen him over the last couple of days. I knew I would disappoint him by leaving with Morgan. I knew he'd be hurt and I had still done it. I deserve the cold shoulder. The phone rang, pulling me out of my thoughts.

"Lakeside Medical Center, how can I help you?"

"Um, yeah, Aubrey please," the voice said. I froze, recognizing who it belonged to instantly.

"This is she, how can I help you?"

"Hi, it's Morgan... um Wallen-"

"Yep, figured with the first name," I said dryly.

"Can we talk?" he asked. I noticed Jared was back, looking at charts behind me.

"Would you like to make an appointment, sir?" I asked formally.

"Uh, not really, I was really just hoping to talk to you."

"Unfortunately Dr. Munsen is fully booked this week, but I might be able to squeeze you in with someone else, if you'd like," I said.

"Please call me when you get home... Uh, this is my phone number, maybe write it down. Please don't give it to anyone, not that I think you would, but uh-" I rolled my eyes.

"Maybe try going to the bathroom, sir. Maybe that could help you not feel so full." of yourself, you dick. He chuckled.

"Alright, it's 865-351-6290, please call me Aubrey, we need to talk," he said ominously before hanging up.

What the hell was that about it? I grabbed my cell phone right away, unable to wait until the end of the day to give him a piece of my mind.


Do not call me at work!! That is incredibly unprofessional!!


I don't have to be professional, I don't work there ;)

Cocky piece of shit.


Don't. Call. My. Work. Period. And don't call me at all for that matter.

I shoved my phone back in my purse and went back to work.

"Personal emergency?" Jared asked. I jumped.


"You can't use your phone at work unless it's an emergency," he snapped, grabbing a file from my desk and going back to his office. I sighed.

"What is up with you two?" Amy asked. She was the other secretary at the clinic. A nice girl from Texas, in her late twenties, whom I always thought had a bit of a thing for Jared. She had long brown hair and dark eyes. Her skin had a nice little tan to it, like she had just gotten back from a week in Mexico. She had been working at the clinic long before I got here. I don't think she liked me much at first, but we had grown accustomed to one another and she would never pass on an opportunity to gossip with me.

"I fucked up," I admitted. She raised an eyebrow in a 'tell me more' kind of fashion.

"He brought me to a baseball game last week so that I could meet his friends, and I kind of hit it off with one of them."

Sand In My Boots - Morgan Wallen StoryWhere stories live. Discover now