CH 19

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As Ava went back to her friends, she was really praying to God. Cause she knew the moment they will see her she will be bombarded with questions .

And as expected, the moment they saw her she was bombarded with questions like 'who was he?'
'How long has it been?' 'How could you hide this ?' and so on.

"Calm down guys! I'm telling okay ?"
And she explained everything from her unexpected meeting with him at his home, the repayment, the 2 months trial and at last their date which turned out a disaster.

After she was done explaining, their mouths were left agape.

"Woah Ava! So many things happened while we were away" Sia said folding her arms.

"Well that Riya still hasn't changed. Should we teach her a lesson?" Annie asked .

"No worries girls. I will manage. I won't be soft hearted anymore."

" Her destruction starts from tomorrow " Ava said with extremely cold expression.

"By the wayyy, what do you think about the lover boy? Hmm?" Annie asked wriggling her eyebrows.

"Yeah. Didn't you see how protective he was towards her? 'let her explain and stuff' " Sia also chimmed in and both laughed together.

Ava's face heated up hearing them. She cleared her throat and said "shut up you guys. Forget all of that. Let's focus on our girl's night"

With that they spent hours watching Netflix and chilling. And three of them slept in the living room after watching"friends" the whole night.

The next day Sia woke up first and saw Ava and Sia were sleeping on the floor only. And the TV was still on. She turned the tv of through the remote and looked at both of them.

Suddenly an evil idea came to her and she slowly tiptoed away from their to get a 'special' something to wake up her two bestfriends.

As Ava and Annie were sleeping sprawling on eachother, a bucket full of cold water was splashed on them.

"Tsunami! Tsunami !" Both of them woke up screaming their lungs out.They heard someone laughing very hard and looked up to see the 'prankster Sia '.

They looked at eachother , got up and ran behind Sia who was running while laughing for her dear life.
"Annie ! Tu paani la! Aj isko koi nahi bacha payega!"

(Annie! You go bring water! Nobody can save her today!)

After few minutes Annie was there with big bucket of cold water with ice . And then the war of splashing cold water and ice started. They were throwing water at each other and running around to and fro. The mansion was echoing with their screams and laughter.

Nobody would believe that they are the cold , ruthless ladybosses If somebody had seen them , playing with eachother like this.

After the whole fiasco Annie and Sia finally left her place to their offices but not before teasing the heck out of her and practically forcing her to let them meet 'the lover boy' properly.

Ava also replied with perfunctory and waved them out.

At Shetty's

Ava called her assistant.
"Ria , get me all the information regarding Riya Malik"
"Okay Mam"

'Who provoked this female Satan? Guess this Riya Malik is gonna have to go through the wrath of our boss. But why did she have to have the same name as me?!' Assistant Ria thought annoyingly.

After while all the information about Riya Malik was lying on the Ava's desk.

Riya was the youngest child of the Malik family.  It wasn't as influential as the Shetty family. Which is why she was always jealous of Ava. As Ava was chubby when she was in school, she was always insecure about it. And Riya and her little gang never left any chance to bully her or make her feel bad about her body and personality.

Thinking about those things was really tiring for Ava. She sighed and opened the file about her.
Riya was now  an upcoming movie actress. Due to the little influence of her family, she had gotten a few lead characters in small movies, though her acting wasn't that good. But recently she has gotten quite a bit of popularity. She recently got few offers from high budget movies and she was on cloud nine.

As Ava kept on reading the file , she finally found something interesting.  Riya's affairs!
As Riya couldn't get good movies through her family's influence. She tried to sleep with some influential directors thus she was able to get offers. There were some rumours of her  with the director on XYZ hotel on XYZ date.

Ava smirked to herself and quickly hacked into the hotel software and got all the videos and pictures of it .

After that she posted those on social media anonymously.

She then instructed her assistant to quickly buy the the company Riya was under and hire some people to 'add ghee in the fire'.

Meanwhile Aditya was busy the whole day. He tried to take break and give a call to his 'Ava baby' but he was unable to do so. Finally during lunch time , he called her but she didn't pick up his call.

So he sulked the whole day .
Hey guys! How are you doing? I'm sorry for the late update but I can't do anything guys. I have boards this year so the whole week I get busy and only during weekends, I get time to think and write .
Sorry for the boring chapter..
Thanks for reading 💕💕💕💕


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