CH 29

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But Aditya didn't say anything and kept mum and before Rishi could say more they heard the door opening and looked there to see a  gorgeous woman with dark brown hair and wearing Black shirt and pants holding a lunch box in her hands.

Both Aditya, Rishi were shocked seeing Ava in Adi's office. Before she could say anything, her gaze went towards another person sitting in his office and....

Upon arriving at Aditya's office, Ava gracefully approached the reception counter, where a radiant blonde woman adorned in a pristine white shirt and a sleek black pencil skirt greeted her with a warm smile. "Hello, madam! How may I be of assistance to you?" the receptionist inquired.

"Hello! I actually wished to meet Mr. Aditya Roy Kapoor," Ava replied, her voice filled with anticipation.

"Certainly, madam, but do you happen to have an appointment?" the receptionist asked politely.

"No, I do not," Ava admitted, her heart sinking with disappointment.

Ava chastised herself inwardly, berating her own carelessness. As the CEO herself, she knew all too well that meeting the CEO without a proper appointment was an impossible feat.

"I apologize, madam. Without an appointment, Mr. Kapoor cannot meet with anyone," the receptionist explained, her expression apologetic.

Ava nodded in understanding, her mind racing to find a solution. Should she call Aditya? But she had come here to surprise him, and if she were to call him, the element of surprise would be lost.

Lost in her thoughts, Ava suddenly heard a familiar voice calling out to her. "Madam!?" she heard, and when she looked up, she saw Adam, Aditya's assistant, standing before her with a hint of astonishment in his eyes, wondering how she had managed to arrive at this hour.

In that moment, Ava felt as though she had found her savior. "Hey Adam! I came here to surprise your boss, but I forgot that I needed an appointment to enter. I don't want him to know that I'm here," she explained.

"Oh, it's alright, madam. You can come with me," Adam responded with a touch of excitement, eager to witness his boss's reaction upon seeing his beloved here. And, of course, Adam couldn't help but anticipate the bonus he would receive for assisting madam.

Together, Ava and Adam made their way towards Aditya's cabin, their hearts brimming with anticipation and excitement.

Now Ava found herself seated awkwardly on the plush sofa, while Rishi's gaze remained fixed upon her, his mouth agape in astonishment. Aditya, sensing the tension, approached and took a seat beside her. He knew that he could no longer keep Ava to himself alone. Since she had already arrived, it was only proper to introduce her to his brother.

Clearing his throat to capture everyone's attention, Aditya spoke, "Rishi... This is Ava. My beloved girlfriend," he emphasized, his voice filled with pride.

Ava extended her hand towards Rishi and greeted him, "Hello, Mr. Rishi," she said with a warm smile.

Finally snapping out of his trance, Rishi grasped her hand firmly and shook it vigorously. "Hello, sister-in-law! I am your adorable, handsome, and charming brother-in-law, Rishi Roy Kapoor!" he exclaimed with enthusiasm.

Ava blushed at his endearing words, finding herself surprisingly unfazed by his playful address.

Meanwhile, Rishi continued, "I had a feeling that something was amiss with my brother for the past few days, and I suspected it had to do with the presence of a certain lady in his life. It seems my intuition was correct. Tell me, how did you manage to accept this cold, stoic man with an expressionless face? Don't you find it tiresome to gaze upon his dull countenance all day, as if someone had stolen his fortune?" As Rishi spoke, he noticed the room's temperature dropping and glanced at his brother, who wore a smile that failed to reach his eyes. A chill ran down Rishi's spine, causing his words to fade away.

"What's the matter?" Ava asked, her confusion evident. She had been thoroughly entertained by Rishi's lively banter, which reminded her of her dear friend Annie.

"Yes, little brother, what's the matter?" Aditya chimed in, his voice dripping with mockery, his smile still intact.

"I-I mean, I have something to attend to! Goodbye, sis-in-law!" Rishi stammered, hastily retreating from the room as if a bloodthirsty demon was on his back, threatening to catch if he slows down even for a moment.

Ava found herself momentarily bewildered as she witnessed Rishi fleeing as if his very life depended on it. She turned to Aditya, who sat beside her, his gaze filled with adoration, his expression now returned to its usual state.

"What has happened to him?" she inquired.

Aditya, with a tender smile, reassured her, "Fear not, my precious one, there is nothing amiss with him. He is simply prone to such behavior."

Ava blushed at his endearing words.

"Now that the disturbance has dissipated," he continued, his voice trailing off, "how about..."

He pulled her closer, enveloping her in his embrace, positioning her delicately upon his lap, her legs on either side.

Ava's cheeks flushed with a rosy hue. Aditya gazed at her with eyes brimming with love and spoke, "Would my precious baby enlighten me as to why she graces me with her presence at this hour? Not that I mind, for I have spent the entire day envisioning you, eagerly awaiting the moment when this would come to an end so I could come to you , hold you in my arms and shower you with endless kisses." His voice dripped with desire and affection.

Ava was taken aback by his words. Her breath caught in her throat as she hid her face against his chest and stammered, "I-I came here to surprise you and to have lunch together."

Aditya's heart swelled with joy upon hearing her words. He gently lifted her chin, urging her to meet his gaze.

"Keep those beautiful eyes fixed upon me, my darling," he commanded softly.

Ava slowly complied, her gaze locked with his, witnessing a myriad of emotions within his eyes. Adoration, desire, possessiveness, and an indescribable sentiment that excluded her understanding.

"Thank you, my love. This surprise has brought me immense joy," he whispered, and then...

Hey sweeties! I hope you liked today's chapter and I wanted to say that I won't be uploading this month and the next month since my boards are starting from February so I am kind of taking a break from Wattpad. Wish me luck,so that I can crack this exam with good marks!

Keep showering love guys!

Target 50+votes and 10+ comments!
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