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I turn the music up
I got my records on
I shut the world outside until the lights come on
Maybe the streets alight
Maybe the trees are gone
I feel my heart start beatin' to my favorite song
As we saw, woah, this light
I swear you, emerge blinking into
To tell me it's alright
As we soar walls
Every siren is a symphony
And every tear's a waterfall


It's raining. Both outside and inside. I skipped maths, physics and biology class after break. There's no way I can meet eyes with everyone after what happened.
What did I do in that time? Well I sat outside on the stairs of the music room crying like an idiot for 3 hours straight, waiting for everyone to leave.
My 7th period is free so I thought music room is the only place where I could go in the campus.
Right now I'm sitting by the window in the music room, staring at droplets of water rolling down the window. How slowly each droplet combines with other and quickly rolls down. How calming this is.
It's cold in here because of rain or maybe it's just me. I'm cold, like a ghost.
"The rain doesn't seem like it'll stop any sooner". I say to myself eyes fixed outside. Our music room is on the 2nd floor of the building and from its window you can see the campus garden which right now is empty. I have to stay here till the school bell rings.
"Maybe I should practice piano. Tomorrow is the selection". Or maybe because I need to run away from all this to somewhere safe and this is the only way to do it right now.
I sit on the cold piano chair and look at keys shinning brilliantly. For a moment I close my eyes and think of a piece that'll destroy me, that'll break me and from my destruction I'll gather peace.
I open my eyes, wistfully look at the keys. Even the keys look so out of reach as if I'm not qualified enough to even touch them. The longer I stare at them more I think about what happened.
I start playing. I remember 'EXPERIENCE BY LUDOVICO EINAUDI " at the back of my head. I can play it eyes closed and so I do.
And every loss, every grief, every lie and insult comes crashing down. Everything.
How everyone made me feel like a fish out of water, how I was never made a part of something big, how lonely I am. How lonely I actually am.
And grief turns into anger and anger turns into tears. I start playing aggressively. With every push on the key I remember a salty memory from the past and it makes me want to scream at the top of my lungs but I'm afraid if I will I might never stop screaming.
I play and I play, I cry and I cry until I feel the anger leaving my body and temporary peace filling in. I breathe it in. My eyes still close. It's so quiet right now, only the sound of the rain.
*Clapping sound*
I open my eyes to see Skyler leaning against the door frame clapping and smiling at me.
"Why are you here and ever heard of knocking?"
I'm pretty pissed at her. Everything that happened today is her fault.
"That..was.. awesome!"
"Huh? Wait you heard that?!"
"Ofcourse I did. And my mind is blown. There was so much sadness in it like something is lost. Happiness maybe. Escapism or maybe emptiness. When you're left with nothing but grief. When everytime you open your mouth you're afraid words will never come out and instead you'll start shedding tears. Experience really makes your life flash before your eyes. Every small detail. If makes you remember your fights with your siblings for the last nugget, or your mom making you pancakes on a summer morning, water fights with friends".
She enters the room and stands by the window touching the cold glass with her cylindrical finger. She draws stars on it and continues, "Every small memory, every experience good or bad, you remember it and it doesn't particularly make you sad but it doesn't make you happy either. It makes you.....YOU. Like for once maybe you were alive".
By the time she's done talking the window is full of stars. She opens it and a whiff of cold wind comes inside setting her jacket and her hair flying a little. She takes in a deep breath.
"And I also know from my EXPERIENCE that one choses EXPERIENCE when they want to reminisce old times and everything."
She shifts her eyes from the window towards me, "You're broken aren't you? And EXPERIENCE must be your favourite piece to break even more?"
I'm too stund to give her an answer. Everything she said, like she read my mind. She came out of nowhere and started saying everything so accurate and defining that I can't even make out of she's even real. No one has ever described my feelings with such depth. More importantly is it too obvious or is she too observant.
"It's... it's nothing like that."
It's totally like that. Everything you just said, it's true.
"I like experience that's all and I can play it well."
"Hmm...ok then....scoot over."
"Come on scoot over."
I move a little and she sits besides me. She looks even prettier this close. Her smile, so soft and comforting and her scent. It's like spring.
"Ok so listen what we're gonna do. I heard what you like and something that cannot be termed as favourite. So now I'm going to play my favourite."
"Ok.....so I should leave the seat then."
"What?! No! My favourite is "CORNFIELD CHASE".
"Bingo. I was pretty young then. Not that I'm old now but back then it was mesmerising to hear it for the first time. Back then when everything had a meaning."
She presses a key gently which makes a soft sound.
"And I bet... I bet you'll love it!"
The dullness in her words is replaced by excitement.
"So! I'll start with my piece and you can join whenever you feel like it."
"I don't know how to play cornfield chase."
"You're not playing it, I'm. You'll play yours. Experience."
"Like a duet?". "Totally! And I'm sure you won't regret this."
With that she closes her eyes whispers something to herself and starts playing. Soft notes making melody in the cold air. I look at her fingers pressing gentle on the keys and then her face so calm and collected. There's no other sound but the air and her notes. It's comforting, it's peaceful. It feels alive. I can't help but closing my eyes and when I do I'm drifting away from the world. I'm somewhere empty and far away. With every key she presses I see a star explode right before my eyes, bursting into different colours. My body feels weightless and I'm floating somewhere in the universe with no life form in sight. It's so different here. So unworldly. These stars all around me, all these galaxies. One more note and I know it's my time to join. I start playing experience and suddenly the atmosphere I can sense that it's changing. We play and we play drifting away from everything. Drifting away from people, from life, from everything. Here there's nothing. Just this piano, her and me. Just us and nothing else. Time, I can feel it passing, I can see it. I scoop some memories from it, I hear laughter of my childhood. We keep playing like there's no tomorrow and till we reach the end everything that used to be here. Every feeling I ever felt is gone. Returned back to the places they belonged to. The song has ended. But I'm still there. Drifting somewhere in the universe. And I'm not empty anymore.
When I open my eyes I see Skyler smiling at me. Her eyes are sparkling now. They remind me of the bursting stars I saw(or imagined). Was she crying?
"So did you like it?"
"I.. I...it was."
"Out of words that's what art do to us when we need it. If we get the right thing we want we're at a loss of words."
She gets up unzips her bag and pulls out what looks like a coat. Rain coat maybe.
No, it's a coat coat. An overcoat. But it's raining.
"Well I'll get going now. Sorry to interrupt you today. I have music class tomorrow so I thought it would be nice if I practice a little today. I'm sorry if I invaded your privacy or anything in any way."
"But schools not over yet."
She wears the hood of her coat and shoots a mischievous smile at me, "It is."
Suddenly the bell rings and school is over. Wow, how long did we play?
"Bye bye Caspy. I'll see you tomorrow".
Caspy? What?
"It's Casper! Not Caspy!"
I yell my name at her.
"I like Caspy better! It's a nice nickname. See you later Caspy".
And with that she went away and I'm still standing here by the music room watching her silhouette disappear.
"Ok..What just happened?!"

A/N: didn't have the time to recheck for mistakes. So sorry for that. I'm really busy these days 🥺
Here's a video of the original mashup. I hope you enjoy♥️

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