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'Cause you brought out the best of me
A part of me I'd never seen
You took my soul wiped it clean
Our love was made for movie screens.
_Kodaline, All I want


I. Can't. Stop thinking.

Yesterday as I went back home I kept thinking about what happened. Everything. How the whole world just rotated 360° all at once. I was soaked in rain and went straight to my room. Rethinking and recreating the events of yesterday in my head. Crying and eventually sleeping without eating anything for dinner.
I remember mom knocking at my door and the sound of her footsteps leaving. And today I've to answer a bazillion questions for why I did that.

I got ready a bit early today. Didn't put much makeup or went too crazy with my look. A simple off white turtle neck and brown pants with an over coat of course since it has been cold after it rained, hair tied in a loose ponytail. My eyes look a bit puffy. Result of all that crying. Now to face mom.

I can hear Sophie talking to mom. Probably about her first day at school. She'll be mad at me for not asking about it.

"Ohhhhh. Look who's up mommm."

I hate it when she does that. It's annoying.

"Casper honey, are you feeling ok? Sophie told me yesterday you rushed into your room and...kept sleeping? What's wrong, did something happen yesterday?"
Yes mom alot did. I was humiliated and belittled. But I was comforted too, in a strange way. But I'm not ok mom. I'm not ok.

"I'm ok mom. Just felt a little tired yesterday and was soaked in rain too so I was craving the warmth of my blanket."

"Yeah? Ok. You don't have a cold do you? Lemme check. Should I make hot chocolate for you? Drink coffee first."

"Mom I'm fine, really. You don't have to worry. I'm all good after that long sleep".
But still tired.

"Hmm. Well sis you should've taken an umbrella and listened to weather forecast and...."

"I don't have time for that nonsense."
Wait did I just snapped at her. Just what I needed now.
I'm sorry.

"Casper you really are ok hon'?''
No Mom, no. I wish I could say what was in my heart but I'm always afraid I'll ruin the mood like I always do.

"Mom... it's just the weather nothing more. Oh, did I tell you I've band selection today? Root for me!" I try to change the subject.
I glance at Sophie but she's scrolling through social media. Yup, what else was I expecting.

"Isn't that too early? It is the second day."

"I don't know. Maybe they want to get over with this." Like I do. "And I really want to be selected as the pianist this year."

It's not a lie though. I really want to do it. But that girl from yesterday what if she wins. She did mention something about band yesterday.
"Well you will. You're the best! Right Sophie?"

"Mhmm, yeah." Still scrolling.

Now. How do I ask mom for a ride to school? She'll probably ask me about Gwen.
"Mom..can you...give me a ride to school today?" Do I sound sus?

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 17 ⏰

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