Chapter Twenty

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"Dad." I complained to him as he stared at me in question. His hand was resting on his chin, pondering about something stupid.

"I'm sorry, just..." he walked towards me, giving me a hug. I hugged him back for a few seconds until Ada and Polly came in.

They eyed my father, sending glares at him. They were aware that he was let out of prison, let alone coming to my wedding. My dad took this as a cue to leave the room.

"Do you want him to leave?" Ada asked me as she set a box down with my jewelry in it. I shook my head.

"I invited him." I said as I fastened my earrings, looking at the two. Ada and Polly's eyes both widened at the same time.

"What?" They asked in unison.

"Cmon..." I looked at the two. "Calongero is practically in love with him, not to mention I've wanted him at my wedding since I was five years old. He hasn't had a drink in years, he won't start anything."

"You better bloody hope not." Polly looked at Ada. "There's Sicillians all over that church, Natalia. You're sure he won't start anything?" She asked, I nodded in response.

The pastor came into the room, popping his head in as I fastened the clasps around my neck. "We're ready."

I put my hand on my fathers elbow as we walked down the red carpet at a slow pace, smiling as I saw everybody.

Hell, I even saw my dads family here. All my uncles and cousins were in the pews, watching me get married to an Irishman. It went against everything they believed in.

Thomas was standing at the Altar, smiling as he saw me all dressed up for him. He couldn't have looked better in my eyes. Navy blue looked fantastic on him.

"You look beautiful, Natalia." Thomas whispered as he took my hand, facing me.

"You can take it off me later." I winked towards him. He clenched his jaw, probably imagining the sight as the priest walked up and read off everything.

He read his vows off while staring into my eyes. I watched as his lips made out every words, not believing this was actually happening. I was marrying my best friend of 20 years today. I had loved this man since I was 9 years old.

His lips met mine, lightly dipping me back as we kissed. Everybody clapped around us as we pulled back from each other, smiling. I couldn't be happier than I was right now.

Calongero got in the carriage, sitting between us as we rode to our house. He was dressed in a suit and overcoat just like his father was. He was his fathers child.

Once we got into the house, everybody followed us inside. Thomas couldn't keep his hands off me. Arthur and John followed behind us, going straight to the whiskey. Everybody else took their seats.

Thomas pulled me upstairs into our room, immediately locking the door and unzipping my dress. I had to change it anyway.

"My beautiful wife," he walked towards me, cupping my face as he kissed me. I smiled as I pushed him onto the bed, climbing onto him and undoing his buttons.

I almost got to his shirt before the door opened and Arthur walked into the room.

Thomas hovered over me, hiding me from his brother. Arthur spotted us, gasping and turning around.

"We're all waiting for you, brother." Arthur told us, covering his eyes.

"Yeah! We'll be down in a second." Thomas said, looking over his shoulder, then back at me. Arthur left the room, making me laugh out loud. Thomas wasn't very appreciative of it.

Yellow Roses // Thomas Shelby Where stories live. Discover now