Chapter 8: The Stray

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It appeared to be just another weekend for the Maximals. For the most part, they would often just did their own things. Rhinox spent most of his weekends either working on any assignments or stay in the library studying up on Remnant. Cheetor would often run around the school, seeing if he missed anything when they first arrived. And when he never found anything, he usually just lounged around all day in their dorm. Airazor would often fly around Beacon to stretch her wings a little, given that not many people wandered about on weekends as much as they did on weekdays. And Optimus patrolled the ground occasionally, using the excuse of just going on a walk. Still, it never hurt to be careful, especially considering how sudden the attack on their homeworld was.

However, today was different. On their way down to the dining hall for breakfast, Optimus accidentally ran into Weiss, who seemed surprisingly more cheerful and excited that morning than . . . pretty much any other time they had ever seen her. Though, when she ran into Optimus and fell down, that look instantly vanished as she rubbed her head a little, having ran right into Optimus' metal breastplate.

"Sorry about that," Optimus apologized as he offered Weiss a hand.

Weiss didn't take it, instead getting up on her own and dusting her skirt off. "It's my fault. I guess I'm just a little excited is all."

"Yeah, we noticed," Cheetor commented from behind Primal. Seeing Weiss in very high spirits was actually creeping Cheetor out a little bit. Based on her attitude most of the time, at least from Cheetor's interactions with the heiress, he had thought it was physically impossible for her to be this happy.

"She's just excited because we're heading into Vale today," Blake explained as the rest of team RWBY joined with Weiss. "She's been badgering us about it for a while now."

"I wouldn't exactly call one day a while," Weiss remarked.

"I would," Yang retorted before turning back to team ORCA. "So, what are you guys doing today?"

"Nothing much, really," Rhinox admitted. "Probably just the same as usual."

"I think you've read all the books in the library by now," Blake remarked, having seen Rhinox in the library more times than she was in the library.

"We all have our hobbies," Airazor replied, ruffling her wings a little to emphasize her own.

"Doesn't it get boring doing the same thing every weekend?" Ruby asked.

"Sort of," Cheetor replied, making a so-so motion with his hand. "But, what else would we do? We don't exactly have any extracurricular activities around here."

"Well . . . why don't you four come with us to Vale?" Ruby suggested.

Hearing the offer, Optimus thought about this for a moment. Personally, he was okay with it. He looked at his teammates. Cheetor, Rhinox, and Airazor seemed to ponder the offer for a second, but then they all gave small nods of approval towards Primal. Looking back to team RWBY, Ruby seemed to be the most excited about the prospect of team ORCA joining them, and both Blake and Yang seemed fine with it, too.

Weiss, however, had an uncertain look on her face, looking between her leader and team ORCA. "Are we sure about this?" Weiss asked before facing team ORCA. "I mean, we don't want to intrude on your own plans, after all."

"No, it's fine," Cheetor assured. "This is better than what we would have done."

"Besides, it might be nice to go into Vale for once," Rhinox commented. Hearing this, Yang raised a brow.

"Wait, you haven't gone into Vale before?" Yang asked in disbelief and upon hearing this, the rest of team RWBY seemed just as surprised as Yang. "You guys have been living here for over three months!"

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