Chapter 19: No Brakes

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Yang looked out of the window at Mountain Glenn one last time before she went back in. For the most part, nothing had happened, just like with Ruby's shift earlier in the night. Though, she swore that she heard a bang in the distance not too long ago. But, she just chalked it up to have either been a Grimm knocking something over or just her imagination. Regardless, her lookout shift was over and Yang couldn't wait to get some more rest. Stretching a little, Yang walked back into the center of the room.

"Hey, Weiss, it's your . . ." Yang trailed off when she looked down at an empty mat next to what was left of the fire. The same mat that Ruby had been sleeping on. "Ruby? Hey, where's Ruby?"

"What?" Oobleck asked, having sped down to their floor while Blake and Weiss woke up and sat up.

Suddenly, a panicking Zwei ran past Oobleck and into the room all the way to Yang, who crouched down towards the whimpering dog.

"Zwei?" Yang said in confusion as she began petting the dog.

"What's going on?" Blake asked as she got up.

All of the sudden, everyone in the room heard a pair of shrill mechanical shrieks, catching them off guard for a moment while Zwei jumped and let out another whimper.

Suddenly, two blurs dropped down from the ceiling and tackled Zwei, making the dog roll around as his two unknown assailants let out aggressive chittering noises. After a moment, the rolling blur that was Zwei and his assailants stopped, revealing the dog now laying on his back while a four-armed machine the size of Zwei was on top of him as a second machine had jumped off, now on its arms and legs while snarling at Zwei.

And the one on top of Zwei had a small knife raised high!

"ZWEI!" Yang shouted before rushing over and kicking the machine off of Zwei before looking down at the second, revealing that her eyes were now just as red as those of the two tiny robots. She tried to kick the second one, but it jumped out of the way and crawled over towards the wall, where the other machine was getting back up, relatively unfazed by Yang's kick.

The two machines snarled up at Yang before bolting away, jumping out of the large hole in the wall and landing on the streets below. Blake, Weiss, and a still angry Yang looked out of the large hole in the wall, watching as the two robots began scurrying away. But, they did notice the two stop for a moment and snarled at the three girls.

"Grab your weapons!" Oobleck ordered, making the three girls and dog turn towards the teacher. "I fear your leader may be in trouble."


Ruby slowly started to wake up, groaning a little when she realized her face was still hurting from that punch. After a a few more seconds to wake up, Ruby realized she was being dragged. Looking to her sides, she saw two White Fang members dragging her along the ground by her arms. She also saw the machine from before walking in front of the two guards as they dragged the red reaper. But when she looked around again, she noticed a lot more happening around them.

To her right she saw a stolen Paladin, just like the one Roman had at the White Fang rally, being used to load up large metal crates onto a train. And then when she heard a commotion to her left, Ruby saw two White Fang members standing inside an open train car . . . with a large bomb on the ground between them!

"Torchwick!" Ruby heard the robot call out as they finally stopped in front of a large train car. "Get out here. Now!"

"There better be a good reason for this, Scourge," Ruby heard Roman say from inside the train car. She was surprised to hear him there. Sure, she already knew he had ties with the White Fang, but she honestly didn't expect him to be here. "Let me tell ya, I have had one heck of a day."

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