Chapter 5

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Natalia's pov

I lay there in my bed in shock, tears bursting out of me. What had I just done? I felt bile piling up on the top of my throat and before I knew it, puke escaped through me. I felt disgusted by myself. I get in the shower and scrub myself so hard my skin turns red. But it seems to be doing nothing because I still feel his disgusting touch on me.

——time skip———-

I stepped out of the shower and into the dining room for breakfast,, where Leonardo was already seated. "Took you long enough" he says which makes me roll my eyes. His gaze darkens and I look away realizing what I've done. 

"I-I'm sorry, I didn't know. I swear it was a mistake" I stutter out. 

"You will be acquainting me to a charity event today, stylists, hair designers and your clothings had been arranged for you" He speaks. His voice is deep, rough and lightly accented with Italian. I nod, unable to speak or form words after the all the turn of events in my life.

"Are you fucking mute?" He grumbles. My lips parts. "You have a fucking voice, use it." He Never in my life had I thought my life would turn to this. 

That my papà would give me away like that. 

That I would never feel loved.

The beast starts approaching me, and I take steps backwards. Until I bump into a shelf. I'm trapped. Right in time,  Leonardo's phone rings snapping him out of his trance. He looks at his phone in a disapproving phone.

Fucking thank you.

"This better be fucking important" he snarls. I slowly creep out and Leonardo's gaze watches me with a glare. If looks could kill I'd be 6 feet under the ground. Whatever, I couldn't possibly care less. Hesitatingly, I take the time he has on his phone to leave the room and sit in the kitchen to wait for him.

My phone pings with a notification from instagram, mother is written with a heart emoji. I click on the notification to see what she's written. 

Mother: Hey sweetheart, just wanted to check in you and see how you're holding up.

I scoff at her message, how.fucking.dare.she?

Me: just fine, you know, after being sold off and fucking forced into a marriage.

Mother: A marriage? That wasn't part of the deal though, sweetheart.

Mother: Also, mind your language, young lady.

Me: The deal was you selling off your only daughter for no fucking reason. Ever thought of opinion? Maybe you could've asked for mine when you made the deal.

Mother: I didn't have a say in it, baby. Or you know I would've disapproved. I didn't even know about it until later. You know I love you.

My features visibly soften, my mother was always my comfort person. A second half.

Mother: Anyways.. That's not what I wanted to talk to you about.

My brows furrow in confusion. 

Me: What is, then?

Mother: It's today.

Me: What's today?

I type, but my thumbs pauses before my fingers send the send button. My eyes skim over todays date and my spine goes stiff.

I can practically feel the color draining off my face and leaving me pale, but I couldn't care less. I feel my throat closing up and leaving me no space to breathe.

Deep breaths, Natalia. I chant.

Seven years .fucking.years. And I still haven't gotten over it, over the stench of the room, or over my fears. My fear of darkness, my fear of basements, fear of water and my fear of life. My throat is closing up and I can barely breath. It's too fucking late to go outside for air, I'll pass out by then.

Inhaler. I need my Inhaler.

I try to find my inhaler. My movements are frantic, sloppy, due to my quick losing of air. With no fucking luck, I can't find it. Panic rises up to me, filling me whole. Feeling helpless, I go outside for air, just as I take a step, I feel my knees go week and I collapse before everything turns black.

Authors note !:

hello sweethearts!!

I'm so fucking sorry I haven't posted a chapter in so long. I was building up the plot to something even better. Cross my heart and hope to die, I'll post 1 chapter at least  within a span of 3 days.

P.s. I'm making my chapters longer now and better vocabulary and punctuation *since tbh I was reading it and I felt disgusted at myself

Pleasepleasepleaseee leave your thoughts of this chapter in the comments,, all opinions are welcome here, no matter the offense. Although, this is a place where we respect opinions, so please mind your language towards others. 🖤

Love you guys!!

Mwa 💋


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