Chapter 6

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Leonardo's pov:

Marriage was the last thing on my fucking mind. 

Though, my mother and father being lovers believed there was hope for me to find love. They gave up soon after when they saw my behavior towards women. My mother having been angry towards me since and giving up soon after.

Though my father taught me strategies, They , taught me to not have a weakness. They,  taught me not to believe in love. They, told me I would never have a reason to live for. 

They, gave me nightmares.

They, broke me.

Natalia's parents belonged to a middle-class neighborhood, while her father played around v.i.p clubs and casinos getting him in debt with the devil. me.

Natalia was only here in this house with me as a source of business, status and wealth. I needed acquaintance and an heir, and she would give it to me. No strings attached. Women, were meant to slaves of men in this world. Serving us and giving their loyalty to us like they would for dinner for the rest of their lives. 

In our world, women were shared. They weren't treated as humans, but rather as there machines, made to work for men everyday. No, not men, made men. The highest of the highest of all ranks. None of us needed women in our lives, no. But we needed the necessities, money, wealth, status and heirs. And those were certain things only a women could do.

I make my way downstairs, wrapped in a black tuxedo. Cufflinks, little to no jewelry and my Prada shoes. I make my way over to Natalia's room, to my dismay, she wasn't in there. I check in the kitchen too, nothing. Frustration bubbles with me alongside a little bit of anger and.. panic?

Just as I turn to go to the garden, my footsteps come to a halt. Lying on the marble floor was Natalia. Her appearance was conceding to say the least, even for someone like me. Her face was pale, free from all color. Her plump, pink, pouty lips were a shade of blue. Dried sweat and tears were visible on her pale face. I rush forward, and check her pulse. Relief bubbles through me as I pick her up and carry her to the hospital wing of my estate.

———- time skip ———-

My legs fucking hurt.

I've been bouncing them up and down waiting for the doctors to get his ass down here and tell me what happened to her. I hear footsteps approaching me and the door opens revealing Dr. Albert. He's been here even before I was born, but right now, the urge to snap his neck off was fucking unbearable. He's examining Natalia's reports with furrowed eyebrows.

I take long strides towards him till I'm standing close to him. He can safely say I'm breathing down his neck. "What the fuck happened to her" I demand. The image of her lying on the floor, with her pale little body comes to my mind. Leaving me in more fucking rage than ever.

"She had asthma, and probably couldn't find her. Though, she had panic attack, a really bad one. A panic attack this big is most likely triggered by something big-"

 "Who the fuck do you think you are telling me what my fiancé has gone through?" I interrupt. I'm a selfish bastard, I could say so myself. I've always had it my way and it worked out completely fine. Never needed someone, never will.

"Right, I'm sorry. Though, that's not all."

"Fucking continue. Or do you want a broken nose?"

"She's suffering from extreme PTSD, other wise know as post-traumatic-stress disorder. I know this isn't my place to say, and I apologize if I cross your boundaries, but Mrs.Russo has gone through something big and can't get out. She needs help." The doctor says. "That's my analysis.You can visit her now, though she hasn't woken up. But, don't be hard on her. Congratulations on the engagement, and I hope Mrs.Russo gets well soon."

Sparing no time for that small talk, I make my way over to Natalia's room. She lays there with her now, somewhat life filled body. Near the bed is a table, which has an emergency oxygen mask, and a packed inhaler I bought for her.

I sit on an arm chair opposite to her, where her whole body was facing directly towards me. I pick up my phone and text papá.

Me: can't attend the charity event today, Natalia's sick.

I snap a photo of her and send it to dad. Truth be told, i fucking despised these parties with my all. But then, again, it offered status, which was more important than anything to me.

Papá: son? This is you? You had the decency of bringing her to the hospital wing AND keep guard on her? I don't believe it.

Me: I need her for buisness papá.

Papá: Sure you do. I've got to go now, I love you.

My parents always said they loved me. Whether it be in words, letters or actions. But I couldn't bring myself to say it, after everything.

Whimpers bring me out of my trance. My head shoots up to see Natalia still sleeping. I go back to my phone. "No please don't. No" Natalia's voice cuts. Her voice seems pained. She's panting, her chest is heaving and she's covered in sweat and tears.

She's having another panic attack.

"Natalia" I nudge at her shoulder attempting to wake her up. "Natalia" I say a little louder making her open her eyes. Her eyes are filled with pain, agony and pure horror.

"Breathe" I say slowly and she nods. I comfort her and whisper sweet nothings in to her making her slowly drift back to sleep. If anyone would've told me, that I would be here today, comforting someone. I would fucking laugh at them. No scratch that, I'd murder them for thinking so low of me. But here I was.

Dr.Albert's words process through my mind one again. And reality hits like a fucking bitch, once again. What she just had wasn't a nightmare, it was fucking reality. Something that happened to her which caused her the extreme PTSD and high panic attack.

How do I know? I fucking went through it.

Author's note <3 :

Hi babes !! 1024 words for this chapter, that's fucking surreal. 

Once again, leave your thoughts in the comments, or anything you wanna share or vent. This is a safe place where everyone's opinions are valued. I'll make sure to personally answer you guys.

If he/she loves you or not, you know I love you !🖤


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