Chapter 11

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Heavy breathing comes from the other line, not seeming to be calming down. God, I felt horrible.  I'd just interrupted someone's day with calling and bombarding them with my problems. Though, what I felt even worse about, was of the nightmare I had. 

But this time, it wasn't a nightmare. It was more like a dream. There were silhouettes of a couple of people; all mostly men except one remaining women. And, they made me feel at home. Why was I getting these now? I'm not naive enough to think someone out in the world wants me. No one could make me feel at home. All I could feel, was locked in heaven. All my emotions, everything. I could only be at peace in heaven. I could only feel at home in heaven.

But that was the problem.

A lost, helpless girl like me was meant for hell. No peace could ever wait for a girl like me. Never. A girl like me, one who'd murdered men at the age of ten, wouldn't go to heaven. No. A girl like me, would go straight to hell. 

The sound of a bike's engine roaring confuses me, but I forget that I was still on call with Leonardo. Of course he was going to continue his day, he had a job, money, employees, meetings and clients he needed to take care of; not a woman who couldn't even try putting herself together.

I hang up the call, not waiting for anything. I needed space, time. Time away form everything, and everyone. And Leonardo, alongside everyone else, did everything in their will power to do the opposite. I couldn't gain peace, or space away from things no matter how hard I tried; be it physically or mentally. I was struggling, and no one saved me.

But people save themselves, don't they? People run from their problems do they? People don't face their problem, do they? But why was it, that my body opposed to everything a normal person would do. Faced every challenge with bruises large enough to kill me. And most importantly, survived through things that were strongly meant to kill me.

'Because you're not not 'people'' my subconscious mocked.

Just then, the door to the bedroom burst open with a leg. Just one leg? This door was locked, I fucking remember fully well, so how was this person able to get in. I peer my head up, to be met by the jaw dropping sight of Leonardo. He was in a while clad, ruffled buttoned up shirt. The first few buttons left opens, exposing the trail of tattoos on his neck and upper chest. His face, his arms, his legs, his chest, and his breathing were all still as fuck. His eyes raked over my digits, I probably looked disgusting. I was leaning on the wall with my knees hugged to my chest, and my eyes were probably red from crying.

All of a sudden, his eyes soften into a million different pieces. Those hazel eyes, held so much beauty within them, without even knowing it. As I opened my mouth to say something, I get cut off by an enveloped big hug. Tears start to form in my eyes, the last item I was hugged was ages ago. But, it felt good. Softness, warmth, at the that moment, I'd been the most certain nothing or no one would ever hurt me. As I long as I was in his arms, I was safe.

His godson me tightened, and I nuzzle my face into the crook of his neck. "Are you okay? God, are you okay?- I was so fucking worried. I-" he pauses, his eyes held different emotions in them. Awe, sadness, desire; but I wasn't dumb enough to think he'd changed. He wipes a hand through his hair before he continues, "I thought something happened to you"

I chuckle, with no humour. "You're acting like you came here just specifically for me."

"Truthfully, I did come here just for you."

My body freezes, it's goes completely still; rigid. Though, my heart tells another story. It's beating so fast, I'd bet even faster than the fastest formula one racing car.

He was worried, about me. He came here,  for me. He cared, about me. And, nothing in the world could make me change my mind on that fact, his tone, his demeanour, and his eyes softening said it all. He was genuine.

" I had a dream." I speak up. I wanted to open up, I wanted to reach out for help. Not just from anyone, though, only him. I wanted him to be the reason fo me waking up everyday, and I wanted him to be the reason I keep going in life. Him to be the main, sole reason of my remaining existence.

"I'm all yours, baby. Tell me what it was about, hm?" He asked, tenderness and sincerity lacing his tone beautifully. I was fucking flustered, too. And I don't know which of the two it was. That he had just told me I was all his, or that he just called me baby. Or, that someone was actually listening to me. That someone actually cared about my opinions and choices. Perhaps all of the three, maybe.  

"I don't remember much. Just that, there was a few men and a woman sitting and laughing. I couldn't make out much, other than the silhouettes and the noises. It just got me feeling homely, and super at home. And, that irritates me." I say, whispering the last part; more like, admitting to myself that I was all alone.

Leonardo visibly tenses  up a bit, but quickly regains his focus and clears his throat. "Why does it irritate you, baby?" Ah. There it was. Baby. God, it made me all mushy inside. 

Despite the fact that he'd just called me baby, anger rippled through me. Fury taking over, knowing no one could understand what I was going through. "Because I've murdered people when I was fucking ten, Leonardo! God damn it, innocent people! I took their lives. And people like me, we always stay alone. But you won't get it." I say, shouting the first part then resorting to a whisper by the end phrase.

He then turns at me, and kisses my forehead. It was a gently, tender, affectionate peck. Meant to give me comfort. "I swear, I get it." He says, then pauses, looking at the necklace I was wearing and starts playing with it using his fingers. "We are far more alike that you think, baby."


Sooooo, what do you think? Please comment, reading comments makes my shit days so much better. What do you guys think of the new cover land character aesthetics, THEY LOOK SO FUCKING HOT. 

dm me/follow me on ig —>

love youuuuu 🫶🏼

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