Chapter 3

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Jayden's POV

         I stared at the girl walking away, her blonde locks swaying behind her back softly, I could feel myself smiling until someone to my right cleared their throat.

         Raising a brow to question what they wanted, I looked back at the woman smiling teasingly at me. "Find her interesting?" Jamie asked, making me roll my eyes.

         "And how is that any of your concern?" I asked back, coming out maybe a little harsh.

         She gasped at me, playfully of course. "I'm always so nice to you and that is how you speak to me?" I snickered. "But if you do find her interesting enough, I could help give you a little push."

         "No thanks. I know what I want anyways." I gave her a slight nod before walking away. 

        I smiled, making my way towards the staff room since that is probably where she puts all of her things. I usually place everything in my office that the hospital has given me, a tiny room with a desk and couple of chairs along with a giant computer, even though it's a bit stuffy at times, I'm still very thankful. It's always better than nothing.

       Pressing my ID card on the keycard reader, opening up the door to a lit up room. Without pushing the door all the way you can already tell that someone is in here.

       I could feel my lips tugging upward as Madelyn was fixing her jacket, her eyes widening seeing me enter the room. Adorable.

       "May I help you?" She asked, a little annoyed probably but still smiled. We're not close, I'm well aware of it, but it wouldn't hurt to start conversing right?

      "No, just wanted to see you." I sat down on the sofa placed against a wall, good thing there isn't anyone else here right now, or rumors would be spreading around the hospital.

      Her brows furrowed, the smile from earlier turning upside down. She gave me questioning look, it's okay though, I understand, I would be questioning everything If I were her. She probably never even cared about my existence until a couple days ago when she bumped into me in the ER, and if I don't continue to talk to her, she might not even know my name.

      That's not true. Everyone in the hospital basically knows my name, but from what Jamie told me, the girl had absolutely no idea when we ran into each other the other day. Well, I'm pretty sure she does now though.

      "If this is about running into you the other day then I am truly so sorry." She turned to face me properly, apologizing with sincerity in her voice. "I was looking through the record data for a little girl, so didn't really pay attention."

      I found myself chuckling while she just frowned at me again, her eyes drowsy probably because she hasn't slept properly since her shift started. "No, it's fine really." I gave her a smile. "And it's not about that. I just felt like seeing you for a bit." Wait, that makes you sound weird. Damn it, this is probably why you're still single.

       "Okay?" She squinted her eyes at me before turning back to her bag, fixing stuff around that's inside. "What am I now? A gallery for display?" She muttered, probably to herself but unfortunately, I picked it up as well. And I think I might have offended her? 

       I leaned back into the couch, arms crossed before my chest, watching as her face changed expressions every couple of seconds. It's very amusing though, if I were to be honest.

      She glanced back over at me, her frown deepening. "Why are you still there? Don't you have to go to the OR or something?" She asked, locking her small locker, reaching up.

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