Chapter 4

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Jayden's POV

       After an hour of going around the hospital to work on things, supervise some young surgeons and performing a quick bedside procedure, I was finally able to return to my office.

      And as my expectations, the girls was still asleep. Not that I thought she would be awake, from what she looked like an hour ago it felt like she would be able to sleep a full 24 hours. But that just feels a bit unrealistic to be honest, we've been doing this job for a while so our bodies shouldn't react that way at all. Plus, the girl graduated from Harvard, so she probably stayed up an entire night studying before.

     I slowly opened the door up, making sure to be quiet. It's not like she would immediately wake up though, I'll probably need to call her name twenty times just to get her to twitch a little.

     I walked over to her sleeping figure, her eyes shut closed(obviously, she's asleep), knees pulled close to her chest in a fetal position. And from here, I could smell her sweet scent, one that somehow helps ease my body and calm me down.

     Though I don't want to admit it, I've been having light headaches lately, which isn't a good thing at all, I would know that. But the moment she bumped into me that day, had a light sniff of her scent and I felt like my entire body felt better. And since then I felt like I had to have her around me.

     To be honest though, we aren't supposed to wear any fragranced sprays or perfume to work, it is a crucial rule for healthcare workers in a hospital because it might trigger the patients send here either leading to discomfort, more pain or possible allergic reaction.

      But her scent is different, it's rare and really light. I don't know what it is, possibly lotion or the body washes she uses on a regular basis, or other things that girls usually use for self care when they wash up. All that matters is it helps me in some sort of way and I get to see her close to me while that happens, maybe I'll ask her sometime about it when I get the chance though.

      I fixed the blanket on her body since it wasn't covering her well enough and went over to sit in my desk chair. I still have a couple files that I should look over before I leave, so I'll just let her sleep for a while before that happens. 

      But before I could start doing anything, Madelyn started stirring in her sleep, and somehow her eyes opened. Still trying to adjust herself to the light of the room, she looked over at me while squinting her eyes, slowing sitting up.

       "You should continue sleeping." I said, even though I was watching her the entire time she sat up.

       "Why didn't you wake me up?" She asked instead, running her hand through her blonde locks, which are kind of messy now compared to earlier since she was laying down. She's still gorgeous though.

       "You were sleeping, and I had some work to finish." I answered truthfully. "But I could drive you first and finish them back at home." I stood up and started moving the files into my work bag. Honestly, I didn't think she would wake up this quickly, or easily. "What's address?" I asked, taking off my white cloak and hanging it on the clothing hanger near the door. Taking my coat in exchange.

       "Um, West Square apartments." She answered, standing up and folding the think blanket, also putting the cushion back to its original spot on the couch. I felt myself smiling watching her again.

       "It's actually not that far." I commented. "You didn't drive this morning?"

       "Air pollution." She answered back plainly, taking her bag. "Plus, there was something going on and it was red on the GPS, so I'd rather take the metro." She shrugged a little, turning to me.

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