After the Fight

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I awoke in the morning to hear Jonah getting ready in the bathroom. Oh my god! I spent the night! Tom's going to kill me!

He walked out of the bathroom only to see me. "Oh! good morning. Um, how are you feeling? A-are you ok?"

"Um, yea..I guess. Thank you so much for letting me stay here." I replied

"Of course. Anything for you" He said. That response sent chills down my spine. "Um, could I get you anything for breakfast?" He asked.

"Oh um, that's ok. don't worry about it."

"No no no, you have to eat, ill make you eggs?"

"sure! I mean if you insist."

"I do."

He walked away to the kitchen and began to make my eggs. What a gentlemen. I pushed myself up out of the bed and got into the clothes I was wearing last night. I walked into his living room and sat down on his couch. 

"Oh no, you can't wear those. Go pick out something from my drawers."

"Why can't I wear this?"

"Um maybe because there's blood from your cuts on it, and its rained on, and it should be kept as evidence for a domestic violence case??"

"Oh my god Jonah it's not a domestic violence case." The topic was still sensitive

"Y/n, he hit you over the head with a glass beer bottle. it IS a domestic violence case and you should report him and at least do something, anything!" He responded. Clearly he was really passionate about this. "I can't believe you're treating this like it's normal." He sighed. "Look, y/n im only saying this because I care about you and I'm saying this in your best interest. He's hurt you, and you can't stay silent about it. If you don't say something about this, I will. Now go change." He said. His voice deepened as he pointed to his bedroom. I walked into his room while his words sunk deeper into me. He was right.  He was so right. Tom hurt me, intentionally. What was I supposed to do? I slipped on one of his oversized hoodies, tears forming in my eyes again. Crying seemed like my only escape right now. I slid down the side of his bed, landing on the floor. 

I wailed and in a split second, Jonah was by my side. 

"Hey, hey, hey,  what's wrong? Talk to me." He wrapped his arms around me as I laid my head on his shoulder.

"You're right. You're right about everything. He-he wanted to hurt me." I stuttered through sobs "You're right and I didn't believe you but you're- you're so right Jonah." That was all I could get out through the tears.

"Y/n, we're going to fix this, together. Hey you can file against him, expose him,  and this will all be over, I promise you. You're going to get through this, you have your family, your friends," He said. His words just made everything better, no matter what. He has such a way with words...

Suddenly I smelled something burning. He did too, I could tell by the change in his facial expression. 

I laughed slightly through the tears. "Did you leave the eggs cooking when you came over here??"

"Oh no..."  He said. He grabbed my hand, pulled me up and we both ran to the kitchen, laughing. The eggs were smoking and he put a lid on them and turned the heat off. He looked at me, smiling.

"Well, looks like our breakfast might have to be apples, or grapes, or something that doesn't require me to burn the house down."  He said.  I'm convinced that he has the magic ability to make anyone feel better with a charming smile and his words. 

𝐛𝐞𝐭𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐭𝐡𝐚𝐧 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐦𝐨𝐯𝐢𝐞𝐬, 𝐉.𝐇.𝐊Where stories live. Discover now