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I hadn't spoken to Jonah after that. It had been two days since our little love confession.  I wasn't, quite sure what we were. He had made it clear that he wanted to be with me but we never made it official, and I hadn't asked him over text because that's just weird. But today we are filming Kiss the Girl, so I have a chance to talk to him. I got dressed, and drove to set. I couldn't look at the set because I had to go straight to my trailer for hair and makeup. I walked into the trailer and was greeted by a friendly face. 

"Hello! My name is Hannah and I'm your makeup artist! And this is Josh, He is going to be you Hair stylist." Josh waved. 

"Hi! Good to meet you! Where should I sit?" I asked.

"Right here would be great." Hannah gestured to the little station they had set up. I took a seat and they immediately started. Being in the trailer had reminded me of the night. It made me question why Jonah hadn't texted me, and why I hadn't texted him. I don't think either of us knew what to say after that night. I was seeing him today, and I had a feeling it was going to be awkward. That made me extra nervous. I couldn't look around the trailer much longer because I had to keep my face still for the artists. I closed my eyes and the flashbacks start. Glimpses back of that night, the tears, the heat, the love.  Thinking about what Jonah had said to me made all the nervousness go away. That confession was genuine, real.  He loved me and I loved him, so how awkward could today be? I spent the rest of my time thinking until I was told I could head over to set. 

I walked in to the set and I was blown away. The team had constructed an entire lagoon just for us. It was realistic and there was a whole track for a boat to be on, it was incredible. I couldn't stare for long because I had to get into costume. I quickly threw my costume on and returned to the magnificent set. I was directed to a corner of the set they said they were having a "debrief" of the scene. They said that "everyone was already there" and that meant Jonah. I walked to the area and saw a few people gathered around. I saw Rob, the puppeteers for Sebastien, scuttle, and flounder, a few other people I didn't know, and finally, Jonah. I walked closer as I made eye contact with him. He immediately looked down at the ground. I decided to plant myself a little farther away from him than planned. 

"Hello everyone! Now that y/n is here we can get to the plan. So I know you two have already kind of rehearsed this but you obviously didn't have this amazing set. So as you can see, the boat is on tracks, and Jonah, you just need to fake row the whole time and then eventually when y/n jumps in, you both just row. The boat is going to move with you, so we have someone controlling it, so it can be on track with timing. The vocals are already recorded from the lovely Daveed, Jacob, and Aqkwafina, so they will be playing overhead so Jonah you know your queues. Sound good everyone!"

Murmurs of yes and head nods gave Rob the right idea. "Alright then. Let's just go for it! If we could please get y/n and Jonah in the boat please! Oh and guys, just have fun with it, and um, be in love with each other!" Rob chuckled to himself and Jonah let out a little half laugh. I began walking and caught up to him. I figured I needed to say something or no one would. 

"Hi Jonah." I said. He looked up from the floor and looked straight ahead. 

"Oh um, hi y/n. " He said. I could see how awkward he was feeling by looking at his face. 

"Are you ready?" I asked. 

"Yep! Ready as I'll ever be." He said. We were at the boat now, and we stepped in. I mentally prepared myself. Ok y/n, no matter how awkward everything is right now, you have to act. You got this. I took a deep breath in, and opened my eyes. I saw Jonah looking at me and when he saw me open my eyes, he immediately looked away again. I couldn't help but let out a little laugh, which caused him to let out a little laugh, which helped me feel much better. Seeing him in a better mood made everything so much easier. 

"Ok you two! Are you two ready? Once we call action, the boat will start moving and you will just start fake rowing until the music starts because the three of them have lines. Sound good!" We both nodded, Jonah now with a smile on his face. "Alright great. and 3, 2, 1, action!"

The boat started to move and Jonah began to row. He maintained his eye contact with me, never breaking. After a couple seconds, the music began to play.  We continued to row, but this time he  had a few lines. We got a part where I had to grab the rows and row with him. 

"Do you want to try?" He asked. I had to get up and move to his side. Ariel falls and Eric catches her. When I fell, Jonah caught me, his hand on my back. That had been the first time he had touched me since three nights ago. We made eye contact and that moment felt frozen. His hand on me, he stared into my eyes and I knew that we weren't acting. That moment ended when he snapped back into character and began teaching Ariel how to row. At this point we were at the part of the scene where Eric finds out Ariel's name.  Eric and Ariel had a whole one sided conversation about constellations and then he starts guessing her name. 

"Is it Diana?" Ariel shakes her head. "What about Catherine?" I shook my head more vigorously. "Ok, Definitely not Catherine." I point to the fake constellations above us. 

"" I nod. "Aries! Arie-" I put my finger on his lips to help him sound out Ariel. "Arie-l, Arie-l...Ariel?" I nod. The feel of my touch on his soft lips made everything go still again.

"That's a beautiful name, written in the stars" Jonah looks at me while the music continued to play. We then both had to lean in to kiss one another. Jonah began to lean in and so did I. Ariel pulls away and around and around they go. Eventually, Jonah gets sprayed with water. I wipe it off of him and for a moment I stop acting. Touching his cheek sent me right back to the memories of three nights ago. Jonah then grabbed my hand and I got goosebumps. I had to re-focus back in and remember what Jonah said. When we get closer to the kiss, Don't break eye contact with me. We have to act like we are madly in love with each other. So I didn't. I kept eye contact with him, and as we began to lean in for a kiss we heard the:

"Cut! Ok guys that was great, now we are just going to reshoot a couple things with different camera angles. Can we reset the boat?"

A couple hours later we were finally done. I returned my costume, got out of hair and makeup and packed up my things to walk to my car. It was raining outside now. I walked out of my trailer to see Jonah waiting for me, in the pouring rain.

"Jonah, what are you doing in this rain!" I said. A rumble of thunder boomed above us.

"What??" He asked. 

"I SAID...What are you doing in the rain without an umbrella??" Jonah laughed and acknowledged his wet hair.  A smiled and walked a little closer so he could hear me. My smile faded when I realized what I wanted to ask him. 

"Jonah..what are we?" I asked. His smile faded as thunder boomed once more. 

"y/n, I want to be with you, you know that. So...if you'll have me, that's what I want to be." He looked at me with a warm smile. 

"Oh Jonah of course I'll have you! You have only changed my life for the better since the moment I met you and you helped me escape my relationship and you made this whole movie easier and-" I went to hug but I couldn't, he kissed me before I could get to him. I wrapped my arms around him and he pulled away. A smirked formed on his face.  Another rumble of thunder above us. 

"Can I have this dance?" He asked. He bowed down. 

"Of course you can, good sir." I said. He grabbed my arms and began to dance around with me. Both our hair was soaking wet now and He picked me up and  twirled me around in the air. He finally brought me down and in for a hug. This moment feels just like the movies, actually scratch that, this feels, better than the movies. 

The End

𝐛𝐞𝐭𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐭𝐡𝐚𝐧 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐦𝐨𝐯𝐢𝐞𝐬, 𝐉.𝐇.𝐊On viuen les histories. Descobreix ara