Chapter 6 - Sheriff

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Only on the day of my coronation had I witnessed such a sumptuous banquet, and it was all the more grotesque in this context, considering that only three people were seated around the table.

Apart from Governor Longinus who ate like a pig, spitting meat and wine everywhere, there was also a man and a woman, both slightly older than me, both blond haired and beautiful in appearance.

He was definitely a nobleman, with shining blue eyes –and incredible as it sounds, I could see a certain resemblance to the governor in his facial features.

She, on the other hand, must have been the court priestess, and she looked around with the expression of someone who wished she were elsewhere.

Finally, standing at the Governor's side was General Ron, with the insignia of the Fifteenth Legion neatly etched into his armor. I had heard of him before, and he looked at me as if he wanted to kill me, which hardly surprised me. General Ron's opinion of Eirinn and his people was why Longinus had wanted him and his legion assigned to his province.

"It is an honor for me to make your acquaintance, Your Excellency."

"I've been told you are the one I should thank for most of these delicacies. You seem to know your stuff about hunting."

"I do what I can. Glad my work is appreciated so much."

"I suppose you've heard of my son Adrian. The best a father could wish for."

Actually, the only thing I had heard about him was that he was completely different from his father in many respects, but seeing them like this it was almost impossible to believe that they were actually father and son.

"This is Lady Sylvie Valera, the Circle's ambassador to my humble abode."

I exchanged a quick glance with both of them, greeting them with proper respect. But if Lady Valera answered with a nod and a small smile, all I got from Adrian was a second sidelong glance, as if he was trying to watch in my soul.

"In your letter you mentioned an important matter that you wanted to talk to me about. I'm at your disposal."

The governor burst out laughing, raising his golden goblet as if to call a toast.

"I am pleased to see that even in this den of reunionist rednecks there are still some who show due respect to the Emperor's representatives. Do you see them, son? These are the people one must surround oneself with in order to govern safely."

The fat man downed his wine and immediately changed his expression, folding his lips into a strange smile.

"Which brings us to the heart of the matter. It is said that for being so young, you are particularly respected in your community."

"I have this luck, if we may put it that way."

"As I am sure you know, until a few years ago the Dundee region was under military administration. But since those Union louses figured out who they're dealing with, many troops have left the borders, and most of the posts have remained vacant. Including Provincial Sheriff."

I find myself forced to admit that the astonishment I manifested on that occasion was completely sincere – I expected a reward or an appointment for some vacant position of little importance, but certainly not something like Provincial Sheriff.

Being Sheriff meant looking down on every other institutional office of the province – while the militia commander had both the mayor and the legion officers above him, a Sheriff had only the Governor as his superior.

I could not believe my luck – I was about to skip at least two or three stages of the path I had in mind for my rise to power.

"You look confused," said the Governor, almost grinning.

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