Chapter 7 - The Heir

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"There is no human drive stronger than that

of wanting to control the souls of others."


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There's no point in hiding the truth.

Overnight, in front of our eyes, Daemon had gone from being a favorite son, the light that brought some hope into our miserable lives, to becoming a traitor. An enemy.

The thing that hurt me the most was that he didn't tell us anything, probably because he knew we'd do anything to dissuade him.

One day he had simply shown up at home with the star on his chest, and the fact that not even my father had been able to contain his dismay at that sight spoke volumes about our reaction.

He said he did it for us, that as Sheriff he could have protected us from the abuses we had to endure every day working like beasts in the mines and the woods. And despite everything, we had made an effort to believe him.

Instead, a short time later, I had seen him kill Malik with my own eyes. That poor ogre, as enormous as he was naive, was pricked day and night, at least until his servant stone broke due to all those risky uses. And when a servant stone breaks, the wearer goes crazy – becoming the animal that we have always been in the eyes of humans.

I don't know exactly what happened. What I do know is that when I passed by there with some slaves heading towards the sawmill, I saw Daemon shaking hands with Captain Oldrick in front of Malik's lifeless body already covered in brushwood and ready to be burned.

In that moment, my world collapsed around me.

My father, the only one who even tried to find the good in something that astonishing, had tried to say that it had been an inevitable choice, almost an act of mercy. But the fact that even Lori had stopped smiling or talking about him said a lot about the opinion everyone now had of Daemon.

I hated him.

It was a terrible thing to say about your brother, but there were no other words to express how I felt.

In the end, a human is still a human: why should he care about us, when a lifetime of possibilities that we could only dream of was about to open up before him?

Then, that damned morning came. The one that changed everything I believed in forever.

Me, my father, and everyone else were in line at the gate, waiting to be taken to work.

"Stop. You're not going out." Commander Beek told me as soon as he saw me.


"You have been reassigned."

"Reassigned!? Where?"

"To the reserves."

That single word plunged me into darkness. My legs began to shake, breathing became nearly impossible, and everyone who heard it was equally as shocked as I was.

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