First Date

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Jack and I have known each other since we were 11 & 12 years old. We first met at auditions for Avatar: The way of water, and we grew to be really close friends. As time passed, we grew... and so did our hormones.

I spontaneously confessed my crush to him after a emotional roller coaster (that ended up being PMS) and thanks to that PMS I told him I had these huge feelings for him. Honestly I'm surprised I confessed because there had been this intense tension between us for YEARS. Like I'm telling you, scenes that required chemistry were a breeze because of our feelings for each other.

Anyway... I've never admitted I had a crush on someone before; let alone had a boyfriend. But thank the good Lord that he felt the same and admitted he had a huge crush on me.

He asked me on a date the other day and obviously I said yes (maybe in some sort of incoherent awkward way) but nevertheless I said yessssss.

No one's POV:
Jack had told y/n he was taking her to a surprise restaurant for their date and would pick y/n up at 6:00.

Let's be honest. Surprise dates are sweet and all but how are you supposed to know how to dress. Y/n decided on this because it's fairly safe:

Jack arrived to her home and knocked on the door only to be met by her sister Jenna

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Jack arrived to her home and knocked on the door only to be met by her sister Jenna. Jack was chill with y/n's siblings so he was glad she answered the door and not y/n's dad (who is not all that fond of you dating in general).

"Jack, what's up? Are you here for my sister?", she asked confused. "Yeah. We uh... have a date". After saying this he realised you probably didn't tell Jenna since she is a pretty big snitch and would probably tell her parents. It wasn't that y/n didn't want her parents to know, it's just always awkward telling them you know?


Y/n arrived to the door grabbing her bag and coat on the way out, while side eyeing Jenna. "You better not snitch" she whispered on her way out. Once the door shut excessively loud from her sisters pubescent attitude, y/n finally got to be with Jack. "Sorry about her" y/n stated, "we're chill don't worry. Oh these are for you by the way". He had bought you a bunch of yellow, purple and pink tulips, your favourite. "Your honestly so sweet, jack", "my pleasure", he stopped and looked at you "you look... gorgeous by the way". You both blushed and you quietly thanked him. Being called gorgeous is not something that happens often, and hearing it from jack sends the delusions in your mind crazy.

Jacks POV:

I've always seen her as one of the most beautiful women in the world. They say love blinds you, but nothing could be father from the truth because she's always been beautiful to me.

She wore this simple black dress. And although I see her everyday, she just looks extra special dressed up. Y/n is a humble girl, modest in character and would never admit to her beauty, but she is. The dress really showed more than usual; not even in a lustful way, she just had enough skin to tease, but stay classy. Her beautiful skin was shown; her neck and collarbone, her hair worn framing her face, and her body highlighted perfectly by the dress. It wasn't overly tight fitting, because y/n would never show too much, she usually wears baggy clothes (and looks fabulous), but this dress, I could tell was out of her comfort zone.

We walked to my car and I opened the door for her. I walked around to my side and got in. We began to drive. I chose an Italian restaurant down by the Marina at the beach. Cliche I know, but it's still great. As we drove I noticed she was looking out the window and playing with her cute little hands. "Are you ok sweetheart?", she turned quickly and blushed at the nickname, "yeah...sorry I'm just a little nervous", she giggled in embarrassment. Honestly that kind of boosted my ego.

Once we arrived it helped her out of the car and we walked to the restaurant. I had this weird confidence as we walked together.

Y/n's POV:

As we walked, he slowly snaked his arm around my waist. It stiffened at his actions, literally having never had a guy touch me. (Yes one of those girls who can't even tick "romantically held hands with a guy" off the rice purity test).

We reached the restaurant and got seated. We chatted for a while then realised how hungry we were and ordered. We ate our meals and then realised how full we were. " I think my eyes were bigger than my stomach" I laughed "yeah I might have to unbutton my pants" he joked. Since I've never been on a date and it's 2023, I had no idea if it was still the norm for guys to pay or if I needed to be a slaying independent woman.

Luckily for me jack went to go pay without me even realising what he was doing. But after seeing the prices on the menu, the strong independent woman left my body.

"You wanna go for a walk to get rid of the bloating?" Jack asked me. "Yes please". We walked down the boardwalk and slowly inched our hands towards each other. "So, how was your first date?" Jack asked "wonderful. Gentleman are rare in this day and age, and Jack you are most certainly one of the best out there.". "Do you think your ready for your first kiss...?" He asked hesitantly?

I froze for a second feeling flight mode about to take off. But seeing him stare at me so lovingly gave me this unknown confidence. I smiled at him and reached up slightly to peck his lips. He quickly pulled me up against him and kissed me passionately; the butterflies in my stomach were more like pigeons at this point. We pulled away and of course I giggled like a 7th grader, he laughed back and I smiled like crazy. "So does this mean I get to be your first date, kiss and maybe boyfriend?", "I think you mean definitely boyfriend" I replied.

3 firsts in 1 day. That's got to be a record for me.

- A.R.G.

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