(Ulfheoinn) Chapter 53 Memorial 1

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No one's POV

The Shopping District was a bevy of activity. The twinkling lights, the flashing windows of casinos and theaters—Bete pushed past it all without so much as raising his head, almost as though attempting to escape the gaudy effulgence. He preferred the dim blue glow of the moon overhead to man-made lamps. On and on he walked until, upon reaching a deserted bend in the road, he lowered himself to a crouch. Or perhaps it should be said he dropped into a froggish squat.

Bete: I've really done it now...

The antagonizing smirk from earlier was nowhere to be found; instead, he hung his head dejectedly as the self-deprecating words tumbled to the stone below.

Bete(mind): This happens every time you drink too much... Damn loose tongue, then starting a fight...

Already, the alcohol had left his system, leaving him in cold sobriety. Aiz's words had made sure of that. Her straight-faced "That's what I hate about you" had taken care of the buzz like a direct hit from her Airiel.

He didn't regret what he'd done. What he'd said. No, it was far too late for that. He didn't even care about the cold stares he'd received as he'd left the bar. What bothered him now were Aiz's words. He didn't even know why they were affecting him so much. Not too long ago, Bete had caused a ruckus at The Benevolent Mistress when he made fun of that kid who resembled a rabbit, comparing him to a tomato and whatnot, but this commotion might have been the last straw.

It was as though a whirlpool of self-loathing had opened up beneath him. That he was one of those very same cowardly adventurers he'd been vilifying only minutes earlier. Bete was finally reaping what he'd sown, and this thought sent his tail drooping to the ground below. If there had been anyone around to see him, they surely would have been unable to believe their eyes.

Bete: Goddammit...

He muttered, letting out a sigh that shook his entire body.  Just as he was thinking he would like to just pass out on the cobblestones right then and there—

Lena: There you are, Bete Loga!

—an annoyingly cheerful voice called out from behind him.

Bete: ...Whaa—?

Glancing back, he saw an Amazonian woman. Though perhaps "young girl" would have been a more accurate description. She was clearly far from maturity; her copper-colored arms and legs were slender and lean, and her chest, while larger than Tiona's (not that this was a difficult accomplishment), couldn't be called more than a slight bulge. A short vest covered her torso, and hanging from her hips was what could barely be considered a loincloth—it covered slightly more area than what the other Amazons might wear, but it was still considerably revealing, her belly button bared to the world. The only part of her appearance that wasn't childish was her long black hair, currently done up in a ponytail.

 The only part of her appearance that wasn't childish was her long black hair, currently done up in a ponytail

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