(Xenos) Chapter 74 The Hands of God

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No one's POV

Lido: Fels, what next?

Fels: Right at the next corner! That's where the door is!

The Xenos advanced. They were heading for the red mark on the map that represented their one hope. Clawed feet struck the stone floor. Wings beat the air. A snake's belly slithered over the ground, hooves beat it, and tails scraped across it. The monsters ran with all their might. Finally, they rounded the last corner.

Fels: What the—

The Xenos rounded the corner and came face-to-face with a horrifying sight. An enormous stone wall, without a single crack or seam, filled their entire field of vision. A massive wall blocking their path forward. The door that was supposed to save them was nowhere to be seen.

Lido: A dead end...?

Lido said in astonishment.

Gros: Fels...what's going on? Did we make a wrong turn?

Gros asked.

Fels: This is impossible! I'm sure I read the map right...

Fels answered, looking down at the plan. The mage had followed the drawings the whole way, heading for the western door that Loki Familia was unaware of. But still, there stood the enormous wall.

Fels(mind): Is there a hidden door? No, the map didn't indicate anything like that... Unbelievable. It's like someone's been manipulating us the whole time...

Beneath quivering black robes, the cursed skeleton recalled vividly what it felt like to sweat. It was then that the mage heard the voice.

Hermes: Hey there, Xenos!

The cheerful voice came from directly behind them.

Xenos: !

Hermes: Pleasure to meet you. Please don't be afraid. My name is Hermes. I'm just an ordinary god.

The god had red-orange hair and was wearing a feathered traveling cap. His eyes, the same color as his hair, crinkled as he smiled kindly at the astonished Xenos.

Fels: God Hermes...?! What are you doing here?

Hermes: It's quite simple, downfallen Sage. I'm ambushing you.

Fels: A-ambushing...?!

The Sage sputtered in confusion. The Xenos shared his bewilderment. What was Hermes talking about? What did he mean by ambushing? What was his aim? Fels's mind refused to understand the situation they found themselves in. The Xenos, who were pinned in place, sensed something cold in the god who stood before them. The black-clad mage gripped the map as he asked a question.

Fels: God Hermes...Why is there no door here? Weren't you the one who obtained the plan of Knossos? This plan, Daedalus's Notebook—

Hermes grinned from ear to ear.

Hermes: You didn't really think Daedalus's Notebook existed, did you? Of course I didn't get the Notebook from Ikelos.

Hermes announced to the dumbstruck Fels and Xenos.

Hermes: Dix Perdix owned the original Notebook. But now he's dead. More likely than not, the real one is lying around somewhere in Knossos,

The heritage of Daedalus was passed on to his descendants. That was true of the Notebook as well as Knossos. Even a patron deity couldn't take it away from them, Hermes explained, still smiling. His smile served only to enflame Fels's confusion and anger.

Fels: Then what is that book?!

Hermes: A fake. One of my children forged the book that Hestia received. She did a darn good job of it, too, wouldn't you agree? I had her use all sorts of magic items to create the illusion of a thousand-year-old book.

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