(Xenos) Chapter 75 Hero Once More

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No one's POV

Finn: What's going on?

Finn asked the familia members who'd come first as he arrived from northwest of where the monsters had descended to the outer edge of the Labyrinth District. They were on the roof of a building that could look out over the whole area surrounding the plaza.

Arcus: The evacuation of the townsfolk is still not complete! Adventurers from other factions are fighting the monsters—and so is the Lightning Flash...

As he heard the report, he saw the boy and gargoyle struggling against each other.

Finn(mind): You again, huh...Sora Yatagami?

Finn's pupils narrowed as he watched the stern in the swordsman's face from the side.

As he thought, he tried to get a grasp on the situation: the swarm of monsters attacking, the residents of Daedalus Street falling into fear and scrambling to escape, the Guild members and other lower-tier adventurers trying to direct the evacuation. Ganesha Familia was prioritizing the lives of people as they made their way through the city. The top-tier adventurers were desperately fighting against the monsters and struggling to combat the strength of their enemy. There'd already been several casualties.

And Lightning Flash was clashing with a gargoyle while protecting a half-elf Guild member.

Finn:...Take your positions. Ground troops, keep them in check. We'll stay here and prevent them from flying off.

Loki Familia: Yes, sir!

He handed out instructions as the leader of his faction, making snap judgments.

The familia members dashed off to share his orders with the group on the ground while the remaining members readied their bows. Finn looked down at the prepared stage. It could hardly be called a battlefield.

Finn(mind): They don't really seem to be Irregular

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Finn(mind): They don't really seem to be Irregular...For monsters hidden away from people for this long to intentionally attack evacuees...They exposed themselves for the masses to see. The other monsters are keeping the other adventurers back; the gargoyle is ostentatiously fighting with Lightning Flash... It's too much.

His strange feeling from before turned to certainty when he saw the scene unfold before his eyes. He could sense the intent of a third party—a divine will that had created the scenario, even manipulated the monsters to bring about this performance.

Finn(mind): Hermes Familia...?

If it was a group with deep knowledge of the armed monsters and the ability to bend them to their will, there was no one else save those who'd sided with Ouranos as his faction had done. Had Hermes Familia been moving around behind the scenes as they were fighting Hestia Familia? The odds were that this was an action that went against Ouranos's divine will.

And Sora Yatagami didn't seem as though he was acting as he desperately tried to defend himself. An independent action. Hermes's face came to mind. He was a god who Finn couldn't quite grasp.

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