[9] Everything About You

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Everything About You

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Everything About You

They reached the facility security gate and it opened silently to E.Willamette St. There was no activity along this thoroughfare, as it had restricted access but Nathan could see the distant flashing of police vehicles and the crush of traffic ahead.

There was a light rain falling as they reached the intersection and Agent Halburg eased the Tahoe carefully into the crowded street and they joined the fray of panic evolving in Colorado Springs.

If they hoped to make a smooth trip back to Cortez, it was quickly dashed as police and National Guard troops worked to channel people back to towns or cities where they originated or back to their homes in neighborhoods close by.

It took twenty minutes just to get to the check point that was set up at a freeway entrance. Halburg and Ramiro got their badges ready as they were stopped, ultimately pulled off the road, briefly questioned concerning the nature of their assignment and destination and were given permission to proceed.

The guards waved them through, and they entered the freeway but if they thought they might make up time there, the mood instantly changed to frustration as just beyond the next overpass there was major gridlock from an accident leaving only one lane open. Some vehicles waited to get through legally while others took the grassy median down to the service road.

Lara stared straight ahead holding her breath as she watched an unfolding horror take place in the middle of the chaos.

The wreckage was quickly overrun by the snarling, flesh ripping monsters that had been observed in news clips from around the globe.

Ramiro and Nathan both stared transfixed. Ramiro leaned forward in his seat. "What the actual fuck! Halberg, we need to get our   shit the hell out of here!"

Lara joined the ranks of those fleeing off the side of the freeway and guided the Tahoe down the gentle slope and into what may as well have been a parking lot.

Ramiro shook his head. "We've got to find another route out of here," he lamented.

"I've got one," Halburg agreed, "just a little further down. Hold on guys we're about to make a sharp turn," she said as she made a hard right, shooting up a side road through the city.

"This road will take us through the suburbs and out past the city limits. We can work our way back to 160 and get back on route past the mayhem.

Nathan grabbed the panic bar and held on as she swerved around traffic along the sideroads of the city until they turned back through a stately neighborhood. It was eerily quiet here along the tree-lined avenues and Halburg drove on taking various turns as she skirted the mobs they had left behind.

On the other side of the small city of Penrose where Halburg wanted to get on Interstate 25 from Hwy 50 and back to 160, she slowed down for what seemed to be an altercation in the intersection ahead. Several trucks surrounding a large box truck were stopped haphazard on the road.

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