[18] You Have Asked Well

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You Have Asked Well

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You Have Asked Well

"In 1974 a coalition of rebel insurgents in North Africa began a mission and all-out war, to overthrow the Marxist government. At some point a rebel group, the Ndidi, began work with rogue terrorist organizations to create a bioweapon.
A deadly virus. They wanted to arm guerrilla war fighters to use it against their opposers. In 1992 that weapon, and the operation, became known to the U.S., as Heron Siege." Lara began hesitantly.

Len drew in a sharp breath and Nate, standing next to him, heard it.

"What is it Len?" he asked pensively.

"But they could not stop the Heron from killing them as well," Len whispered as if in a trance.

"How could you know this?" Lara asked skeptically.

Nate gently held up his hand to Lara, and she nodded as Len went on.

"I truly don't mean to barge into the conversation," he articulated in a hushed timbre that seemed to catch everyone's attention.

"But, there is great mystery in why man kills. For that reason, when the Heron spoke to me, I could not answer. Why does man kill, but desire to save his own life?" He seemed to ask someone only he could see.

Seth, Haven, and Bretta looked at each other a little confused, and Deag was looking entranced himself, but nobody said a word. Lara watched mutely, having no experience in things that science could not explain.

The others gathered there knew Len, knew of his deep spiritual ties to his Native American roots and they knew he saw things on a different plane.


Len had never tried to hide his sacred jaunts or spontaneous dialect with the ancients of his tribe, even now as he transcended into the vision before him, he felt the freedom of enlightenment filling his soul.

Before him, splashed by a brightly shining sun, were the Elders.

Old Leather Face nodded. "You have asked well, Cloud-Song. Speak this to the people before you."  Len opened his mouth and spoke.

"The man who kills is not living, but death lives in him, and therein is both his desire, and his fear. Fear that he will die by his own hand drives him to kill. It has been thus from the beginning," Len trailed off to silence as Old Leather Face casually smoked his peyote pipe. He blew a great plume of smoke into the air and within it Len saw destruction, famine, starvation, the cataclysms of the day.

The Old Leather Face spoke again."Speak this to the one among you who is with child. Tell her these words Cloud-Song." 

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