[10] Plenty Of Warning Given

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Plenty Of Warning Given

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Plenty Of Warning Given

In the still, quiet hours before dawn, Deag was startled awake by an insistent, hard rapping at his front door. He sat up and stumbled out of bed not even noticing that Miranda wasn't beside him, struggled to put on the blue jeans he wore yesterday and made his way into the living room, also never noticing the blankets and bags he had put there the night before, were gone. He looked through the peep hole and jerked back as the sharp tapping pounded the door again.

He unlocked the security deadbolt and slowly opened the door hoping to find Nathan there but was instead greeted by two national guardsmen suited for bio-hazard, fully armed and aimed right at him.

"Whoa! Whoa," he blurted out. "I'm unarmed!"

They didn't bother with any niceties demanding the count of the number of persons presiding in said dwelling.

"There are four of us," Deag informed them.

"Get everyone to the door," the trooper commanded. "We have to do a visual."

"Fine," Deag acquiesced, heading to the bedroom to get Miranda. When he reentered the room he just stood there staring at the empty bed. "Miraaanda!" he yelled. He trotted down the hall to Neala's room. Empty. At that point his heart fluttered in his chest and he flew over to Rois's room finding it empty as well. "Oh my God, oh my God." He was panting when he reached the front door on the edge of a panic attack. "They're gone," he gasped. "Gone. They were here last night when I went to bed," he trailed off feebly.

The officer dropped his automatic down by his side and stepped closer to the door.

"Sir calm down. Step outside while I have a look."

Deaglan stepped out on the stoop and looked around noticing right away that Miranda's Jeep was gone. He took a deep breath of anger mixed with some emotion he had never experienced. Right then, he noticed the baggage he had placed at the door last night was gone as well. He knew without a doubt what she'd done.

The guardsman came back out and looked at Deag with a steely gaze. "Where do you think they've gone," he asked with cool reserve.

"Well, her Jeep is gone. She most likely took the kids and went to her parents."

"Where is that located?" he pressed.

"Price, Utah." Deag answered.

"You're sure?"

"Yeah, she was arguing with me about it last night. It looks like she waited for me to go to sleep and she left. I had bags packed for the kids by the door because we were going to go to my Mothers in Colorado this morning," Deaglan admitted.

"Well, my news isn't going to be too pleasant, but if what you say is true, more than likely she and your kids ended up in a quarantine unit. The military curfew required anyone breaking time restrictions to be sent straight to quarantine. And we are only required to inform you, as well as make sure you understand that starting this morning the state is under a medical marshal law. If they aren't sick, they'll be released but it may be a while before they find out."

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