~Chapter 41~

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Ellie's POV:

Over the past week at school, we've all been told about work experience. We all have to pick a company to go to for a week instead of school. I've been thinking about where to go quite a lot and I still haven't decided and we have to have a placement by Monday because it starts then.

"Grant, I have a question.."

As we're eating tea, I decide to ask Grant if he could help me come up with some ideas as I only have 3 days.

He looks up and smiles, "What's your question?"

"We've all been told that we have to do work experience on Monday and I still don't have anywhere to go. I only have tomorrow (Friday) to get somewhere to go. Can you help me find somewhere, please?"

"Yeah, of course I can. You've left it quite late though to try and find a place... I'm not sure how many will take you on with such short notice.."

"I know... I just couldn't think of anywhere around here that I wanted to go to.."

"Have all of your friends found somewhere?"

"I think so. Becky is going to the hospital. I wanted to go there, but she did that really early and I don't think they will have me with such short notice.."

"Yeah, I think it's too late for something like that. You want to do something with medicine?"

"I guess it could be kind of fun," I shrug.

"Medicine is great fun. I know a place that would take you on for next week..?"

Grant's POV:

As Ellie and I are talking, I realise that my office will be a really good place for her to go with such short notice. I know that she hates coming to my office normally, but that's because she's scared of having any procedure being done on her. Maybe, if she can see it all happening from a different perspective for a week, she might be less scared.

When I say that I think I know a place, her eyes light up.

"Really?! Where?!"

"..My office.." I say slowly because I'm somewhat scared for her reaction.

"Grant!!! Be serious! I'm not going to your office!" She whines.

"Ellie, I am being serious. Nothing will happen to you. You don't even have to be in any of the exam rooms if you don't want to be. You can just stay in reception with Emily if you would rather. I don't think anywhere else will be able to have you at such short notice, E."

"Fine. But on one condition - you have to promise me that I won't be a guinea pig or be in that damn chair everyday."

"Ellie, I promise you that you will only have to do things that you want to do or that are extremely necessary. Plus, is the chair not the best thing about it all?!"

"Okay, I guess.. The chair is like the worst thing about it all!! It's so uncomfortable!"

"Haha!! You can email school now and say you have a placement. I'll email everyone at the office so they know as well. Is there any specific area you want to be in next week?"

"Yeah, I will. Okay. Umm...I don't know..What areas are there at your office?"

"You can be in reception with Emily, or general with me, or general and older with James, or general and paediatrics with Tobey. You could go into the waiting room and collect each patient for their appointment. You can do a mixture of all of them if you would like?" I say, as I walk over to the coffee table to pick my laptop up.

Ellie's POV:

I know that I want to do something with medicine when I'm older but like a doctor not a dentist, so when Grant asks me which area I want to be in I have no clue. Just thinking of being in Grant's office everyday for a week makes me nervous.

"I don't know, Grant.. All of them?"

I start fiddling with my fingers like I always do when we talk about his office.

"Okey dokey, E. You can always change your mind when you're there," he reaches over the kitchen island where we are sitting and holds both of my hands, "Princess, I 100% promise you that there's no need to be nervous about it. You know Emily, James, Tobey and I, you know that none of us are ever going to deliberately hurt you. You're not even going there for an appointment."


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