~Chapter 42~

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Grant's POV:

It's 6:00am and my alarm has just gone off. Today is the day that Ellie starts her work experience down at my office. I told her last night that I would come into her room to make sure she is awake, so I turned my alarm off and made my way to Ellie's room.

Lightly, I knock on her door and enter.

"Good morning, Ellie! How did you sleep?" I ask her, seeing that she is still in bed just looking at her phone.
"Hi, Grant. Meh, I didn't sleep much but I'll be okay. When do we have to leave?"
"Oh..was something bothering you? We'll leave at 8, to make sure you're all settled by the time everyone arrives."
"..I don't know.. I'm kind of nervous for this week..but I don't think it was keeping me up.. Okay, I'll be ready by then."
"Aww, E.. You could have come and woken me up, sweetheart. Is there anything in particular that you are worried about?" I say, going to kneel down by the side of her bed.
"I was going to, but I didn't want to disturb you because I know you have been really tired from work recently.. I don't think so, I think that it's just the whole environment. I don't like being there, so I'm just nervous about that I think..."
"E, don't worry about me. I appreciate you thinking about me, but I promise you I would much rather you woke me up than deal with it on your own. I understand that you don't like the surroundings when you're down there, but I think that if we get down there early today, then you can get used to it all and I think that by the end of the week you won't find it so daunting when you go down there."
"Yeah, maybe.. Can I have some medicine or something so I don't feel anxious about it..?"
"Of course, baby. I'll sort it out downstairs for you when I'm ready," I say, smiling at her.
"Thanks, Grant," she smiles back.

I make my way back to my bedroom to get ready before heading downstairs.

When I get downstairs, I get some relaxing gummies out of the cupboard for Ellie when she comes downstairs. I also decided to put a pack in my work bag just in case she needs or wants one throughout the day.

Soon enough, Ellie comes downstairs so I make both of us a cup of tea. I realise that I should have probably got her some scrubs to wear for the week as all of us that work there wear them, but I know that she doesn't particularly like it when I wear them, so I think if I were to give them to her she would freak out.

"Are you all ready, E?" I ask, passing her a gummie.
"Yeah, I think so. I don't know what I need to bring though.."
"Have you got a water bottle? There's plenty of cups and mugs at the office but they're quite small." I say, opening the cupboard to get a water bottle out for Ellie.
"No, I haven't got one. Is that all I need to bring?"
"I think so, E. I have quite a lot of stuff in my office anyways if you need anything."
"Okey dokey."
"I have one question though, E," I say, walking towards the stairs to brush my teeth.
"Really, you're meant to wear scrubs if you're working in my office. I haven't got you any for today, but will you wear them if I get you some for the rest of the week?" I say, turning to Ellie.
"Do I have to Grant..?" She responds, picking at her fingernails.
I walk back over to Ellie and crouch down in front of her. I can't let her come into an exam room, really, without her wearing scrubs and protective equipment. For today it's fine because she can just be in reception and in the waiting room but that's going to become very boring if she continues doing that for the rest of the week.
"It's kinda procedure to wear them and if someone of authority comes in this week and sees you doing anything without scrubs and protective equipment, I can get into a lot of trouble for putting my patients at risk." I say, holding onto Ellie's hands so she can't pick at them.
"Oh, I don't want you getting into trouble... Are they comfortable?" She says, looking at me with worry glazed over her eyes.
"Yeah, they're really comfy, E. I'm about to get into mine, so you can come and feel them if you like? Wearing scrubs also means that your clothes won't smell of the office afterwards, only your scrubs will." I say, standing up again, still holding Ellie's hands.
"Oh okay.. Yeah, I'll come up with you. I don't want my clothes smelling of the office, so I guess I'll wear them.."
"Okay, E. Let's go then. You'll love them by the end of the week!" I say, chuckling whilst guiding her up the stairs.

When we get up stairs I go into my room to get my scrubs out and then pass them to Ellie.

"See how nice these are?"
"Yeah, they seem nice I guess..."
"Don't worry about it, E. It'll be fine." I say, giving her a small smile. "I'm going to get changed now, so why don't you get some breakfast or something?"
"Okay, I'm not really hungry though, Grant." She says, picking at her fingers again.
"You need to eat something, E. Or at least put something in your bag to take and eat at the office."
"Yeah, I'll do that.."

a/n - omg!! i haven't updated in agesss! i'll try to update a bit more often now 😅 hope you enjoy this chapter!! :)))

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