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Dear Journal...

The whole thing that happened today was a bit... intense.

After Felix got the number from the dude named Changbin, we went to hang out at Seungmins house.

Innie, who was still feeling a bit down, cuddled up next to me on the couch, and we watched a movie together.

I wouldn't call him sensitive, but innie is a bit fragile.
Like a butterfly, if you're careful with it, it will glow with all their beauty.
But if you're careless and hasty, they will break.

I told him that phrase pretty often when we were a bit younger.
Other kids would often pick on him and tell him he's weak or pathetic.
He was so harsh to himself and tried to push all his emotions aside.

Luckily, after some time, he understood that it was okay feeling that way. I mean, not everyone is good at just not caring, right?

After a lot of cuddling sessions and watching ghibli movies, we all made our way back home.

Well, apart of Seungmin obviously-

I took the bus until I was near my district. I live a bit outside of the city, so the bus ride was very peaceful.

I walked through my neighborhood, looking at the small, cute decorated houses. The people who live here aren't living in extreme luxury. Most of them didn't even want that. But there was a sense of home and nostalgia looking at the small neighborhood.

Soon, I was in front of my own little home. The white facade and the gray roof looked really pretty in the sunset.

The flowers that my mom insisted on having everywhere outside the house were blooming in different colors.

I smiled at the sight and got my keys out. Just as I was about to open the door, It swung open. I looked at the two in front of me with wide eyes.

There stood my older brother and his... Friend... yea definitely his friend...

"Han Jisung! I almost had a heart attack because of you!"
Said my older brother, clinging onto the doorframe.

"Whhhyy, did you think I was Mom? And that she would ask why your Poor FriEnD has bruises on his neck?"

I grinned at my brother and his friend, both turing into a shade of crimson.
My brother gave me a glare while I was making my way into the kitchen.

Don't misunderstand. Our mom knows very well about him being Bisexual and me being Gay. She wouldn't care who we love anyway, to say it in her words,

"If you're happy, I'm happy too."

But she's very... curious... when Brain Hyung brought his first girlfriend home. Mom was asking so many questions that she almost scared the girl away.

"Bye Brian," I heard my brother's friend say.

"Bye Wonpil Hyung!!" I said loudly from the kitchen, the other two laughing at me.

Brian is my brother's English name.
He studied a while in America and got the name Brian. He liked the name so much that when he came back, he told people to just call him Brian instead of Younghyun.

Also, funfact about my brother's 'friend'... his name is Kim Wonpil
And it is actually Seungminnies older brother.

For the longest time, I actually didn't know that my older brother was befriending the older brother of my childhood best friend. Once Seungminnie and I watend to hang out at his house. And when we saw MY brother and HIS brother together, let's just say we were a bit surprised.

Even tho Seungmin didn't really care, he said

"Well, if my idiot brother is at your house often, we'll have my house to ourselves... even tho we'll lose him to a Han...
Eh, you know what a win is a win."

Nr.1) Yes!! Seungmins house is our favorite hang out place


Anyway, I need to go to sleep now, or I'll fall asleep while writing again.
Omg and I need to find the Mystery guy tomorrow...
For that damn project.



It was the next day during lunch, while everyone was eating at the cafeteria. Jisung was walking through the corridors of the big school.

He was searching his project partner, since the dark haired brunette hasn't seen him anywhere In the cafeteria. He looked around the school to find him.

He was also kind of relieved that the popular boy wasn't in the student filled cafeteria. He really didn't want a scene like yesterday again.

Suddenly his phone buzzed, a text from Seungmin popped up.
But before he could even read the text he bumped into someone.

Clumsy as he is, he fell on the floor looking at the person he walked into with wide eyes.

"Hey watch where you're go-"

Said the boy in front of him turning around, stopping mid sentence.
He looked at Jisung with a surprised expression.

"Han jisung?"

"Lee Minho?"

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