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"Dear Journal...
it's been over one hour since we've been stuck in this impenetrable forest. My dear friend Seungmin has probably gone insane by now.
If anyone ever finds us, or our remaining bodies all of my belongings shall go to Yang Jeongin."

Jisung sighed dramatically, he was lying on the rock and looked up to the almost unseeable sky.
Seungmin sat next to him and was making little towers with small rocks.

"Minnie remind me to write that down if we ever get back."

Seungmin chuckled and shook his head. It was very much Jisung's humor to make jokes out of these kind of situations. 
Normally he would probably scold him, but right now it helped lift the mood.
Seungmin was still upset with himself and what had happened.
And Jisung noticed that, he sat up and looked at the ground, in thought.
When a grin appeared on his face.

"Do you think we'll be in one of those fancy missing case documentaries?"

He said, Seungmin just laughed and fake hit his shoulder, mumbling that he should be quiet for a while.

After a while of constant silence, different kinds of birds were heard in the background. Jisung felt like he could fall asleep any second.  When suddenly his stomach growled, making Seungmin chuckle.

"I'm Hungryyyy..."

Said Jisung a pout on his lips, he gave Seungmin puppy eyes, The boy just rolled his eyes.

"There's still an apple in the bag."

He answered, pointing to the small plastic bag that laid on the floor.
Jisung's eyes lit up, he carefully got down back onto the ground. 

He walked towards the bag with a smile, not noticing a big root on the leafy ground.

Just when Jisung thought the day couldn't get any better.

Seungmin eyes widened when his friends suddenly tripped over it and fell on the hard ground. 

"JI! Are you okay?!"

Jisung had a pained expression, his eyes tightly closed, as he winced in pain.
Seungmin got down from the rock and quickly kneeled next to him, his hand on his friend's back.

Jisunge looked down at his bleeding knee, which slowly colored his now ripped pants red.
He also had a small bruise on his cheek and his hand.
Luckily he didn't feel like there was anything broken or sprained. 

"You are such a clumsy idiot."

Said Seungmin while he took out some tissues out of his jacket. Trying to clean the wound and stop the bleeding.
Jisung saw that his big oversized shirt also had a tear on the side.
Since he didn't care about the shirt anyway and they needed a band-aid, he ripped a piece off and handed it to Seungmin.

They both fell into silence, it was slowly getting a bit darker in the forest. There wasn't much sunlight coming through anyway, but as time went by, Jisung thought the forest looked even spookier.

"I hope the others find us soon..."

Said Jisung quietly, touching the bruise on his cheek right under his eye.
This is definitely not how he imagined his first day at camp.

⋆⁺₊⋆ ☾ ⋆⁺₊⋆ ☁︎

"Are you guys alright...?"

Asked Felix, looking at the three a little confused since they all looked a bit mad.

"We are good now, don't worry about it."

Said Changbin letting out a sigh, smiling at him.
Felix nodded and looked to his side,  Mr.Park and Ms.Baek stood now right next to them. Mr.Park looked very worried, and so did Ms.Baek, even tho it was a bit harder to see behind her stern expression.

Dear Journal... | MinsungHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin