Chapter Twenty-One

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The bells tolled, and everyone scrambled from their beds. Quickly, I made mine and then looked across. Clara was struggling. She was slow and hadn't risen yet.

The bell tolled three.

I ran across to help her.

"Violet, no, go back," she said.

"I'm going to help you," I said, pulling her up, despite her groaning, and quickly made her bed.


I ran across.


The counselors barged in.

Sara, as every day, walked around the room, inspecting us.
Then we followed her down to wash up.

Clara stood in front of the mirror, brushing her teeth, and then her hair.
"Clara," I whispered when Sara wasn't looking.
Clara shook her head, fearfully looking at me from the corner of her eye.

Clara was almost slouching, as if in pain, as if she couldn't stand.
"Clara," I hissed.

A cane smacked down between us.
"Talking is prohibited. Did I not make myself clear yesterday? You know our rules, Violet," she spit my name out like venom.

I shook my head.
She slapped me hard on the back of the head.
"Quiet!" She announced, reminding the other girls as well as myself not to speak.

Once we were finished, she led us upstairs to the dining hall. We received our meager plate and ate in silence.

Clara went with Sara, as well as a few other girls. Clara looked hurt, scared almost as she followed her.

I watched, wanting to follow after her, but Elizabeth pulled me along with the others.

I did my chores, hardly having a minute of rest.

By the time the day was done, I was exhausted. I climbed into my bed; thankful I hadn't received any wounds. A few of the girls in my group did.

I watched the door, waiting. Sara's group always came in later than everyone else's.

I watched, and only until an hour later did the rest of the girls return.

I watched Clara as she dragged herself into bed. I got up and went over.
"Clara?" I asked softly.

"Violet, please, I'm... I'm tired." There was this sort of horrified yet far awake look in her eyes. All the girls assigned to Sara ended up looking that way.

I always assumed they were extremely hurt and wounded, but Clara was untouched, save for a few bruises on her skin, but we all had those.


"... Please," she whimpered softly. "Leave me alone."
I stared at her as she curled up, bringing her legs close to her chest.

Finally, I stood and went back to my own bed across the room.

I watched her from a far, wondering what had happened, what Sara had done.
Ethel had come in after a few moments, tending to the girls' wounds. Tonight, she managed to take a bottle of water.

Before she left, she visited the girls Sara took. Ethel always did.
Clara's bed was close to the door, so she was last.

Ethel sat down on her bed, whispering to Clara. She nodded a few times, slowly.
Ethel combed Clara's hair away from her face, whispering something to her before she left and quietly shut the door.

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