Chapter Fifty-Three

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Once I turned fifteen, I was allowed into that upstairs room.

I followed behind Clara, Elizabeth locking the door behind us. The stairwell was gray and dim, narrow, making me feel panicked. Suddenly, Clara turned, desperation and fear circling her eyes. "Don't let them touch you, Violet. Fight them," she whispered hurriedly and rushed up the stairs.

I followed slowly, taking the steps one at a time as confusion as well as fear crept in. Fight them...? Who?

We were led into our separate rooms. They were dark. The only source of light coming from underneath the door, though dim. There was a mattress I was ordered to lay on. I climbed on top and laid down, surprised by its soft foam, shaping itself to my body.

Suddenly, the door opened, and a short, wide figure walked in. I knew it was a man.

I panicked as he climbed on top of me, one of his hands finding my waist. Clara's words came back. Fight them.

I kicked and I fought as he tried to hold me down, fear seeping into every corner of my being. He hit me in hopes I would behave, but I kept on despite the ache in my muscles, until finally he climbed off in a fit of rage. He stood on the mattress and kicked me, until I felt the warm flow of blood run down my face.

He threw the door open and yelled, cursing and threatening me, threatening Sara for not getting me under control.

I laid there, shaking from fear and exhaustion, and slowly brought my hand to my face where it came back covered in blood.

I stared at it, scared and mesmerized by the shiny red liquid.

Sara came in and hit my side with her cane. "Get up!" She grabbed my arm and yanked me up from the mattress. I cried out in pain.

"You imbecile!" She screamed as she threw me on the corridor floor. "You are a stupid, idiotic girl! You have a job, and I expect you to oblige. You are to obey!"

I trembled, dragging myself to sit up on the wall. Sara slapped me. "You are not to eat for two days."

Tears slipped down my face.

"Are you crying!?... Get up!" She yanked me to my feet, towering over me. "I will hurt you for every encounter you fight against. The punishment will only become worse."

I never stopped fighting.

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