Embers of Emotion

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Armaan's POV:

As I stood there, waiting for Khwahish to arrive at the prom night, my mind was a whirlwind of emotions. The events of Holi kept replaying in my mind, and I couldn't help but wonder why I had reacted the way I did. There was something about Khwahish that drew me in, like a magnetic force that I couldn't resist. Her laughter, her smile, and the sparkle in her eyes had captivated me from the moment I met her.

I tried to dismiss the feelings, thinking they might just be fleeting infatuation. But deep down, I knew it was more than that. There was a connection between us that went beyond mere attraction. Khwahish was different, unlike anyone I had ever met. She had this unique blend of childish innocence and maturity that was so endearing.

As I pondered over my feelings, I couldn't help but smile. I didn't regret the moment we shared during Holi; in fact, it was one of the most memorable moments of my life. But I couldn't ignore the uncertainty either. Did she feel the same way? Or was I just imagining things?

The truth was, I wasn't sure about her feelings, and that uncertainty made me hesitant. I didn't want to misinterpret her friendliness for something more. I wanted to be sure before taking any step further.I had also warned Adwait to be respectful and keep things in limits when it came to Ridanshi. As her brother, I felt a responsibility to look out for her and ensure her happiness and safety. It wasn't easy for me to let her go with someone else, but I trusted Adwait enough to give them a chance.

As Khwahish approached me in that stunning black frock, I couldn't take my eyes off her. She looked breathtakingly beautiful, and my heart skipped a beat at the sight of her. Her hair cascaded freely over her shoulders, and her minimal makeup only enhanced her natural beauty. But it was her radiant smile that truly captivated me, breaking my trance and bringing a smile to my own face.

 But it was her radiant smile that truly captivated me, breaking my trance and bringing a smile to my own face

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khwahish' s dress

As we entered the party hand in hand, I couldn't help but notice the glances and whispers from our friends and acquaintances. It was no secret that Khwahish and I had become close, and I knew that our growing bond was becoming evident to everyone around us.

But in that moment, I didn't care about the stares or the speculations. All I cared about was the feeling of her hand in mine, the warmth of her presence by my side. It felt natural to have her there, and I couldn't help but place my hands on her waist as we swayed to the music.

Khwahish tensed up for a moment, surprised by the sudden closeness. But as she realized my intentions, she relaxed into my touch, allowing me to hold her closer.

As I watched Adwait and Ridanshi dancing together, my protective instincts couldn't help but stir once again. It was challenging to see my little sister with someone else, even though I trusted Adwait and knew he cared for her. But Khwahish's gentle touch and her words brought me back to the present moment.Khwahish: (softly) Armaan, eye's here, mister. Let them enjoy; both are adults.

Her words reminded me that Ridanshi was not a child anymore. She was capable of making her own decisions and deserved to enjoy the prom night just like everyone else.I nodded, appreciating Khwahish's understanding and her ability to ground me in reality. She was right; I needed to let go of my overprotective nature and allow Ridanshi to experience love and happiness on her own terms.Feeling a mix of emotions, I excused myself from the dance floor and made my way to the mocktail counter, choosing a corner where I could have a moment to myself.

As Khwahish approached me, ready to say something, we were interrupted by one of my batchmates who asked her for a dance. I saw the hesitation in her eyes, and for a moment, I wished I could have held her back. But I didn't want to be selfish and let her miss out on having fun with others.

Armaan: (with a smile) Go ahead, Khwahish. Enjoy the dance. I'll be right here.

Khwahish: (gratefully) Are you sure? I mean, I can stay if you want.

Armaan: (assuringly) I'm sure. I'll be fine. 

I could see the conflict in her eyes, torn between staying with me and accepting the dance invitation. But I wanted her to enjoy the night to the fullest, and I didn't want to be the reason she missed out on a fun moment.

With a smile, she joined my batchmate on the dance floor, and I watched as they swayed to the music. As much as I wanted to keep my eyes on her, I forced myself to look away and let her have her moment.

It wasn't easy, though. My mind wandered, and my heart felt a pang of jealousy. I couldn't help but wonder if I was being too selfless in letting her go. But I knew deep down that this was what she deserved - a night of happiness and laughter.

I tried to distract myself by engaging in small talk with some other friends, but my attention kept drifting back to Khwahish. It was as if there was an invisible thread connecting us, and I couldn't help but feel drawn to her.

As my anger flared up at seeing Khwahish struggling and uncomfortable in my batchmate's arms, I couldn't control my emotions. I immediately stepped forward, took her out of his arms, and confronted him with fury in my eyes.

Armaan: (angrily) How dare you make her uncomfortable? Can't you see she doesn't want to be with you?

Batchmate: (arrogantly) Oh, come on, man. She was giving me hints. I thought she was into it.

Armaan: (fuming) That's not an excuse! She clearly wasn't comfortable, and you should have respected her boundaries.

I felt a strong urge to punch him for his inappropriate behavior, but before I could act, Khwahish stepped in and hugged me tightly. I stilled at that moment, feeling the warmth of her embrace and the soothing of her touch.

Khwahish: (softly) Armaan, it's okay. Let it go.

Her voice was calm and reassuring, and I could feel her trying to ease the tension in my body. I took a deep breath, trying to control my anger, and eventually, I loosened my grip on my batchmate's collar.

Armaan: (firmly) Stay away from her. If I ever see you making her uncomfortable again, you'll have to deal with me.

My batchmate backed off, realizing the seriousness in my tone. He mumbled some excuses and walked away, joining his friends.

Heyy guys I hope you liked today's update , plzzzz support my book I'm a beginner in this field so plz tell my mistake of had done something wrong in any part of this book .

I'm eagerly waiting for your comments and votes and do suggest me if there's a need to editing....

Have a great day ahead

Be positive and spread love 

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