it's yesss!!

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Armaan's pov:-

My heart clenched as I watched her tears fall, each droplet a painful reminder of the storm that had erupted within her. I wanted to reach out, to wipe away her tears and clear the misunderstanding that had woven its web between us. 

But before I could utter a word, she turned and began to retreat, the distance between us growing with every step she took.

Just as I was about to call out to her, my mother's voice cut through the air like a lifeline. She appeared beside Khwaahish, and my heart skipped a beat. Khwaahish quickly wiped away her tears, masking her vulnerability. 

My mother's stern yet gentle gaze rested on her, and I held my breath, waiting for the storm of revelations to unfold.

"Armaan, you told her not?" My mother's words held a sense of urgency, an inquiry that left me momentarily stunned. I shook my head in denial, my mind racing to comprehend the situation that was rapidly unfolding.

Khwaahish's confusion was palpable, her brows furrowing as she looked between me and my mother. My lips twitched with the effort to suppress a smile, a mixture of amusement and exasperation.My mother's voice held a rare softness as she addressed Khwaahish. "Beta Khwaahish, i wanted to tell you something ,your parents contacted us. They wish for Armaan to become a part of their family, to be the 'jamai' of their home – your husband." Her words hung in the air like a delicate thread, weaving a tapestry of unexpected revelations.

Khwahish's eyes widened, a mixture of shock and disbelief flickering across her gaze. The truth was like a bolt from the blue, shattering the preconceived notions that had held us captive in our own emotions."I know you're shocked," my mother continued, her voice a blend of understanding and sincerity.

 "But I truly want you as my daughter-in-law, Khwaahish. I understand that my son can be a bit arrogant," she added, casting a knowing glance in my direction. My lips quirked into a small smile, my mother's perceptiveness both endearing and amusing.

She addressed Khwaahish directly. "It's your call, whether you both are comfortable with each other or not. Your parents are coming this evening for Ridaanshi and Adwait's wedding. Take your time to think and armaan you too"
As I observed her, Khwaahish's expressions danced across a spectrum of emotions, each one a glimpse into the whirlwind of thoughts that must have been swirling within her.

 The confusion that initially clouded her gaze was soon replaced by shock, and then a timid shyness that painted her cheeks with the softest hues of pink. It was a sight that I couldn't help but find endearing, an unspoken reaction that spoke volumes.

Once my mother departed, everyone seemed to come alive with playful energy, the tension of the moment dissipating into laughter and teasing banter. 

The hooting and cheering that followed were like a chorus of encouragement, a testament to the bonds that tied us all together.

The voices of our friends were like the notes of a melodious symphony, each one contributing to the lively atmosphere.

 Riaansh's playful tone pierced through the air, her words carrying an undertone of teasing. "Take your time...for what, they proceeded that thing, Badi Ma!

His voice was laced with mischief, a reflection of her playful spirit.

Ridaanshi :"Hyeee, see that blush, Khwaahish Bhabhi!" 

Ridanshi's words were like a melodious tune, punctuated with her signature giggle. I caught the subtle shift in Khwaahish's gaze, her eyes briefly meeting mine before quickly glancing away in an attempt to hide the evidence of her bashfulness.

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