birthday wish..(part 2)

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Armaan slowly pulled away from Khwaahish, his breaths staggered and uneven. They remained in that close proximity, their faces mere inches apart, eyes closed, and lips still moist with the lingering essence of their kiss.

In those precious moments, he experienced a profound sense of sentimentality he had never felt before. He felt a heightened awareness of himself, as if all his senses had been awakened after years of dormancy. The sound of his own heartbeat echoed loudly in his ears, a symphony of astonishment and wonder.

It felt as though he had been released from an eternal prison of darkness into a blinding light. The light was overwhelming, yet it provided a soothing balm to his soul.

Never had he imagined that a first kiss could be like this, especially with the girl who now rested in his embrace. Her eyes avoided meeting his, her face flushed with the intensity of their shared moment. Everything felt different, and his mind was filled with thoughts of their future together.

Just then, Khwaahish's phone rang, breaking the spell they were under. With a steadying breath, she answered the call, and it was Ridaanshi on the other end. A smile graced Khwaahish's lips as she listened to the familiar voice wishing her a happy birthday and inquiring about their whereabouts.

After ending the call, Khwaahish informed Armaan that Ridaanshi was calling them. He responded with a simple hum, his gaze still filled with the emotions that enveloped them moments ago.

As she was about to leave, Armaan's voice, like a whisper, called her name. His words sent a shiver down her spine. He stepped closer, picking up her fallen shawl and draping it over her shoulders. 

His gaze locked onto her, sensing her hesitation to meet his eyes. With a soft breath, he wished her happy birthday once again, his words carried on a gentle breeze. She stepped back, her heart fluttering, and made her way downstairs where the others were waiting.

With everyone gathered around a beautiful cake, Khwaahish took the knife and delicately cut into it, sharing slices with each person, her hands serving the sweetness of the occasion. Warm wishes filled the room as they celebrated her birthday. As she approached Armaan, she avoided meeting his gaze, a mixture of emotions swirling within her.

Ridaanshi, always playful and observant, spoke up, breaking the momentary silence.

Ridaanshi: Bhai sa, did you forget to wish Khwaahish? You can't let her birthday go unnoticed!

Armaan, his eyes fixed on Khwaahish's,she took a slice of cake and slowly brought it to his mouth. With each bite, he held her gaze, his actions speaking volumes about the depth of his feelings. It was a silent exchange that conveyed more than any words could express.

Armaan: Happy birthday, Khwaahish.

Khwaahish, responded softly, her voice filled with emotions.

Khwaahish: Thank you.

Though no one else knew the true significance of Armaan's wish, he wished her with a beautiful gift no one thought ,  they could feel the intensity of their connection, an invisible thread that bound them together. It was a moment that transcended mere words, a recognition of their shared emotions. In that exchange, they understood each other on a level that no one else could comprehend.

After returning home, Khwaahish was on terrace, her eyes wide open, sleep eluding her. Riaansh  came over at terrace  , stand peacefully beside her. In the quiet of the night, Riaansh broke the silence, his voice barely a whisper.

Riaansh: You know, Kanak was Bhai's ex-fiancée.

Khwaahish, her heart sinking, nodded slowly.

Khwaahish: Yes, I found out about it from Chachiji.

Riaansh: She's so cute and bubbly, isn't she? I used to admire her.

Khwaahish, a pang of hurt concealed beneath her composed demeanor, responded softly.

Khwaahish: Yes, she is.

Riaansh: You don't have any feelings for Bhai, right?. actually i've heard your and bhaisa past.

Khwaahish, taken aback by the question, momentarily lost her composure. After gathering her thoughts, she responded, her voice slightly unsteady.

Khwaahish: No, Riaansh I don't have any feelings for him.

Riaansh, cheerfully unaware of the impact of his words, offered his reassurance.

Ridaanshi: That's good then. I don't want your heart to be broken. By the way, Badima is discussing marriage again, and I have a feeling it's about Bhai and Kanak.

Khwaahish's heart sank further, a mix of emotions swirling within her. The revelation of Kanak's presence and the potential for her return to Armaan's life weighed heavily on her mind. She silently pondered the implications of what Riaansh had just shared, her thoughts and emotions entangled in a complex web.

After Riaansh's revelation and when he goes to his room , an overwhelming heaviness settled in Khwaahish's heart. The silence between them spoke volumes, as if the weight of unspoken words hung heavy in the air. Emotions welled up inside her, threatening to burst through the fragile facade she had carefully constructed.

Unable to contain her anguish any longer, Khwaahish silently let tears stream down her cheeks, each droplet carrying the weight of her broken heart. She longed to release the pain that had engulfed her, the ache of unrequited love that seemed to suffocate her very being.

Feeling suffocated in the confines of the house, Khwaahish stepped outside, seeking solace in the quietude of the garden. As she entered the serene sanctuary, her eyes widened in shock.

As Khwaahish observed her father and Armaan engaged in a heartfelt conversation, her eyes welled up with tears. Her emotions were a tumultuous whirlwind, stirred by the raw vulnerability and remorse evident in her father's voice.

Khwaahish's father, his hands folded in front of Armaan, spoke with sincerity in his voice.

Khwaahish's Father: Beta, please accept my sincere apologies for what I have done to you and my child. It was unacceptable, and I deeply regret my actions.

Armaan, gently holding her father's hands, responded with compassion.

Armaan: Uncle, please don't apologize. It was your fatherly concern at that time, and I understand. There's no need for sorry.

Khwaahish's father, his eyes moist with regret, continued to express his guilt.

Khwaahish's Father: But I threatened you, asked you to stay away from her, and leave her life... I... I caused my daughter so much pain.

Armaan, reassuringly, tried to alleviate her father's burden.

Armaan: No, Uncle, it's not your fault. And at that time, it was just a crush, not love, believe me.

Khwaahish's father, overwhelmed with guilt, couldn't shake off the weight of responsibility.

Khwaahish's Father: But even so, beta, because of me, my daughter suffered. I can't help but feel responsible.

Armaan's words, though intended to offer solace, inadvertently shattered Khwaahish's heart once again.

Armaan: No, Uncle, it's not your fault. That time, it was just a crush. It wasn't love, trust me.

The weight of his words, his dismissal of their past connection, pierced Khwaahish's heart, leaving her feeling as though their bond was nothing more than a fleeting infatuation in his eyes. The pain resurfaced, her heart breaking anew as she absorbed his words.

Heyy guys I hope you liked today's update , plzzzz support my book I'm a beginner in this field so plz tell my mistake of had done something wrong in any part of this book .

I'm eagerly waiting for your comments and votes and do suggest me if there's a need to editing....

Have a great day ahead

Be positive and spread love 

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