Chapter seven

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"And in the end, all I learned was how to be strong.
- unknown


🃏 Hugo 🃏


I still can't believe it. Mom was pregnant when she left. Did she know she was? Was that the reason she left?

Ever since I heard the news, I haven't been able to stop smiling. Maya is 16, which means she is the closest in age to me, maybe someone will finally want to help me prank everyone.

She is going to be my little codelinquente (partner in crime) I can't wait!

After Maya went upstairs with dad, Daniel turned to Lucas, Martín and me. "She had a panic attack this morning and passed out. We don't know what caused it but just be carefull around her, we don't want to upset her okay?"

Martín is the first to say something, "She had a panic attack? My poor baby." 

A panic attack? Is she okay? Atleast she had dad and Daniel there with her, no one should have to go through a panic attack alone.
The moment when you can't get air into your lungs, as much as you try to breath in. That's when the real panic sets in.

I quickly put the biggest smile I can muster back on my face before anyone sees it dropped. "At least she is here with us now! We will make her feel like this is her home and where she belongs."

"Who's going to talk to Mateo?" comes from Lucas next to me. Shit, I completely forgot Mateo existed for a second. 

Martín answers after a few seconds of silence, "I'll go talk to him."

"Just make sure he is there at dinner and apologises for the way he was acting before." says Daniel. What he says, goes. No debating. 

I just hope Mateo is okay, one of us should have told him. 

After playing a few videogames in the gameroom, I notice its almost dinner time. I go downstairs to see dad already sitting at the table. 

I go to my seat but before I can sit down he says "Hugo, can you get your sister from her room upstairs? It's almost dinner time." I nod and walk upstairs.

When I enter the hall with all of our rooms, I walk to her's situated at the end of the hallway right in between dad's and Daniel's rooms. 

"Can I come in?" I ask while I knock on the door. Stupid, she won't answer you. 
I knock again, "I'm coming in."

I open the door and when I look around the room with only neutrals and minimum furniture, we really need to change some stuff about this room, it's way too boring. I see her laying on the bed with her headphones on her head.

It looks like she is sleeping. "Maya?" No reaction.
"Are you awake?" Again, no reaction. 

I walk over to her and try to gently shake her awake but as soon as my hand makes contact with her shoulder, she freezes and shoots up, looking around her wildly.

I put my hands up "okay, okay. Sorry, I didn't mean to disturb you. Dinner is ready, come downstairs with me?" 

After she takes a few deep breaths, she looks at me, no not at me, at something behind me. Like she is afraid to directly look at me or something. Maya gives a small nod and gets up out of bed.

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