Chapter nine

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"I thought I was healing
But the truth is
I just stopped feeling." 
 - c.c.aurel


💫 Maya 💫

Waking up has always been hard but the thumping of my head only makes it worse.

Opening my eyes, I see I am in my new room. How did I get here? Looking around the new space I see a dark figure sitting in a chair. It's dark in here so I have no idea who it is. 

"Are you awake mi amore?" ah, it's Álvaro, he's the only one who calls me 'mi amore'. I nod to answer his question but then I realise he probably can't see it in the dark. 

Apparently he has some kind of night vision because he saw "Okay good. It's almost 9.00. Would you like to come down to eat some breakfast?" Before I can answer he stands up and walks to the windows to open the curtains.

I nod again and get out of bed. When I stand I realise I am still in my clothes. Why did I sleep in my clothes? I've never done that before.

As if he knew I was confused he started answering my unasked question "After dinner last night, you started throwing up. When you were done, you started crying and I took you in my arms. After a while you fell asleep so I brought you upstairs and put you to bed. You can change into some fresh clothes. The bathroom is the door to your right. I will wait outside your door." He finishes with a smile. 

Álvaro walks towards the door and closes it behind him. I walk into the bathroom with my bag and get my phone out. I put on 'Gasoline' by Halsey to stop me from freaking out, I have no idea what today will be like. I change into a clean pair of jeans with a baggy sweater that fits over my cast. 

While changing I notice the wounds on my back are not completely healed yet but you can't expect them to be when it has only been a month. The hand-shaped bruise on my upper right arm is blazing but it's still fresh. 

Putting the sweater over my head, I feel my ribs aching from the movement. The docter said they would take a while to heal and after they could still hurt a while. 

After I changed I waited a little bit untill the song was finished. You can't just stop a song in the middle.

These voices won't leave me alone
Well, my heart is gold and my hands are cold

I don't know why, but these last two lines just hit deep at this moment. 

Still humming the song to myself I walk out the door, forgetting Álvaro was waiting there for me. "What song is that, mi amore?" I startle and quickly stop humming. I look up at him, no, not at him, at something behind him. 

"What did I say about wanting to see those beautiful eyes of yours?" He really meant it? I look him in the eyes. "There you are, Maya." The way he says my name feels right. Every time my mother or step-father said my name it did not feel right, it sounded like nails on a chalkboard. But when Álvaro, my father, says my name it sounds like the most beautiful name in the world.

I realise he asked me a question about the song so I walk back into my room and get my phone. I open youtube and show him the song. "This is your phone? We need to change that." Wait, what is wrong with my phone? It's a little old and broken but it works just fine.

"Come on, let's eat breakfast. Daniel is working in his office downstairs and Lucas is at work. He is a an astromoner, really have no clue what that means exactely but it has something to do with the stars and the galaxy." 

I have never really gave much attention to the stars now that I think of it. They are always just there. Maybe Lucas would like to teach me some things about them, I would love to know more about his interests. 

"The other three are at school so we have the house for ourselves untill they come back. They will be later than normal because of practice every friday." Practice? I wonder what kind of sport they play, maybe it would be okay if I play a sport too? I've always wanted to be a part of a sports team. Probably not.

Reaching the kitchen Álvaro asks what I would like to eat for breakfast, I just shrug my shoulders.
"Pancakes it is!" He starts cooking and I just sit and watch how Álvaro moves around the kitchen like he knows exactely what he is doing. 

Within no time, Álvaro sets down a plate of pancakes before me on the counter. "Don't feel like you need to eat them all, mi amore, just eat what you can and try not to throw it all out again, okay." He says while smiling at me. 

I nod and smile a little with my head down and start eating. After a few bites I notice Álvaro doesn't have any food himself. I take a little on my fork and give it to him. "You don't have to do that."

After I keep the fork right in front of him, he knows I won't back down so he takes the fork and eats the pancake. The rest of the plate is finished by both of us. 

"Let me just clean this up and then we could have a movie marathon?" Álvaro says while taking the plate from in front of me and looking at me hopefully. I've never had a movie marathon before. 

There have been a lot of new things these last two days, and while all other new things felt like I couldn't breath while thinking about them, the movie marathon sounds like it will be amazing. I nod to him and follow him to the home cinema. 

When we are settled into the seats, Álvaro turns to me and starts his third degree questioning. "What do you want to watch, mi amore?"
"Do you have a favorite movie?"
"You sure you don't have a preference?"
"Shall I just choose then?"

The last one is the only one I give a nod to. He gets the remote and puts on a movie called 'The Beauty And The Beast'. Throughout the film he gives me little facts about the cast, apparently someone called Hermione plays Belle? No clue what he's talking about.

"Don't tell anyone this, especially your brothers, but I absolutely love Disney films. They are the best to watch when you have a bad day." I never thought this big, muscly man would be such a softie on the inside. I love this side of him. 

After watching a few other Disney films we decide it's enough. It's already 18.00 so it won't be long untill dinner. "Oh I totally forgot to tell you, mi amore, school. You have the weekend to prepare because monday will be your first day at your new school. Hugo and the twins go there too so if you need anything while at school, you can always go to them."

"The twins are 19 so they are in the last year of high school. One year lower is Hugo and you will be one year behind Hugo. I will make sure the principal and all your teachers know about your not talking, but if they are still being difficult, get one of your brothers or call me okay, mi amore."

Being difficult? None of my former teachers were ever being difficult about my situation. They always said they didn't get paid enough for that shit. Let's just hope these are not any different. 

After lying on my bed and listening to music, I hear a knock on the door. I answer and see it's Martín coming to get me for dinner. We walk downstairs and take our places. 

Halfway through dinner Álvaro says "Maya, mi amore, you will to shopping tomorrow for new clothes and school stuff. Lucas, Martín and Hugo will go with you. They will take my credit card, spend as much as you want." I nod, I've never liked shopping but I guess I need some new school stuff and clothes. 

When everyone is done with dinner, I go upstairs and lay on my bed listening to music for a little while. Then I start to get ready for bed since it's already 21.00.
At least the evening part of my routine stays sort of the same. 

A/N - Nine is out! Do you like the characters?

We're at 54 reads!!🥳🥳🥳 
Thanks to everyone reading this!

I love you <3

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