Chapter eleven

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"She's gonna forever say 'I got this'
Even with tears in her eyes."  - unknown


👨‍💼Daniel 👨‍💼

When Maya came into the office and didn't know what to do with free time, my heart shattered a little. What has her life been like if a teenager doesn't know what free time is. 

During dinner, I noticed she was fidgeting but I don't want to pry, I want her to come to me when she feels comfortable to share what is bothering her. It helps no one if we force her to communicate, it only builds a fragile relationship that will never last. 

I'm in it for the long run.
I want to be there for the rest of her life. 

When everyone is finished Maya taps on dad's arm. She takes out her new phone, types something and shows it to dad. "Ofcourse, go ahead, mi amore. The garden is included when I said you can do anything without asking. You only need to tell someone when you leave the estate." She stands up and walks away.

"What is she doing?" It's Martín who ask. "She's going to take a walk in the garden. I figure she is just grabbing her headphones for music." As if on cue, I see her walking in the hallway through the dining room door with her headphones on. 

She goes outside in her sweater and jeans, since its the beginning of october it's not very cold.

💫Maya 💫

The walk in the garden was the best idea ever. They have such a beautiful garden with big trees and flowers everywhere. 

There is even a bench underneath a big tree with a nice view over the big lake situated at the end of the garden. I sat there for a few minutes while listening to 'Power' by Isak Danielson.

 I sat there for a few minutes while listening to 'Power' by Isak Danielson

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It is currently the next morning, sunday, the last day before school. There is nothing planned for the day so I had a small internal panic attack during breakfast with Álvaro and Daniel. Apparently because it is weekend the other boys won't wake up soon.

Don't they have an alarm clock?

After breakfast I went to my room and around 10.00 Daniel knocked on the door asking if I want a house tour. Since I have lost my way like five times already I would love to get a tour, maybe it helps. 

Apparently they have a basement with an icerink because the twins and Hugo play icehockey. "Now I know it's weird to play an ice sport with the weather in Spain, but the school has a rink and team. Martín is actually the team captain and working on getting into a College or University by icehockey scholarship." 

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