chapter 9

137 3 1

I should set up my TV but anyway time for the shitshow-

At Shinsou's house

Hanta: Shoto. What are you doing?

Shoto: Tryna find a way to sneak in, duh

Hanta: Shoto. You do remember that Toshi never locks his window, right?

Shoto: Oh yeaaaa

Shoto: Well why aren't we going inside!?

Hanta: Because you forgot about toshi keeping his window unlocked

Hanta: Now come on I'll help you up

Shoto: Fineeee, but don't drop meee

Hanta: I've never dropped yiu before why would I start now?

Shoto: Idk but still

Hanta: Pfft ok whatever, I'm gonna lift yiu up now ok?

Shoto: Okkk

Hanta: *Lifts up Shoto* ok now go in

Shoto: I knowww *crawls into minizawas room*

Hanta: *Follows after Shoto lifting himself up* I'm still surprised that he's aloud to have a room on the first floor it's so easy to sneak around

Shoto: I knowwwww

Hitoshi: *Blinks in wtf* Y tf r u guys here? I mean don't get me wrong I'm glad your here but I'm tryna sleep and shouldn't u be putting Sho to sleep at his house?

Hitoshi: I'm so confused

Hanta: Ok so you see that was the original plan but then I decided since neither you or Sho will sleep unless me or Nei are cuddling you I'd just bring Sho over to your house and get you both to sleep

Shoto + Hitoshi: That's not trueeee

Hanta: I've said it before and I'll say it again, you two are the same person in different fonts


Hanta: Shhh don't worry about it just *lays on minizawas bed* come lay down, you too Sho

Shoto: I don't wannaaaa

Hanta: *lays down beside Hanta* I'm only laying down cuz I want to not cuz you told me too

Hanta: Come on sho I know your tired

Shoto: Fineeeee *lays down and shuts eyes*

Ok the two insomniacs fall asleep the end

For now-

My todo fam fic really did turn into me loving my dumb ships and not being scared to show my crazily dumb ships

Ok, the goods bye for now tiny little humans

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